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Title Index
Abel Kiviat, National Champion
Abolition’s Axe
Abraham’s Heirs
Absence / Presence
Abundance from the Desert
Acts of Conscience
Act and Idea in the Nazi Genocide
Adam of Two Edens, The
Adirondack Atlas, The
Adirondack Cabin Country
Adirondack Explorations
Adirondack Faces
Adirondack Fishing in the 1930’s
Adirondack Park, The
Adirondack Park, The
Adirondack Photographers, 1850-1950
Adirondack Portraits
Adirondack Prints and Printmakers
Adirondack Vernacular
Adventures in the Wilderness
Adventure of Learning, The
Advice to Young Artists in a Postmodern Era
Aesóp i gConamara
Aesóp i gConamara
African Burial Ground in New York City, The
African Sermons, The
After Image
After Weegee
Against the Apocalypse
Aimsir Ársa
Airplanes, Women, and Song
Aislinge Meic Conglinne
Alabaster Cities
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer in Thought and Action
Albert Schweitzer – Helene Bresslau Letters, 1902-1912, The
Alfred Farag and Egyptian Theater
Algeria and France, 1800-2000
Alien Worlds
Allah’s Spacious Earth
Allegany to Appomattox
Allegiance and Betrayal
All Dressed Up
All Faces but Mine
All in a Day’s Work
All Strangers Here
All that Jazz
All Things Herriot
Alphabet of an Age / Aibítir Aoise
Ambassador Extraordinaire
American Artists, Jewish Images
American Dream, The
American Geography
American Hebrew Literature
American Indian Environments
American Jewish Political Culture and the Liberal Persuasion
American Marathon, The
American Nuclear Disarmament Dilemma, 1945-1963, The
American Ordeal, An
American Writers in Istanbul
America in the Fifties
America in the Forties
America in the Nineties
America in the Seventies
America in the Sixties
America in the Teens
America in the Thirties
America in the Twenties
Andros Papers 1677-1678, The
Andros Papers 1679-1680, The
Andros Papers, 1674-1676, The
And the Hits Just Keep On Comin’
And the Time Is
Anglo-Irish Autobiography
Anglo-Irish Novel and the Big House, The
Animals in Our Days
Another Alice
Antimodernism of Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, The
Ant’s Gift, The
Anxiety of Erasure
Anything For a T-Shirt
An Craiceann agus a Luach
An Guth Aduaidh
Apologies to the Iroquois
Apparitions, The
Arabic Novel, The
Arabs and the Art of Storytelling
Arabs in Turkish Political Cartoons, 1876-1950
Arab Americans in Film
Arab American Women
Arab and Arab American Feminisms
Arab and the Brit, The
Arab Family Studies
Arab Women’s Lives Retold
Arab’s Journey to Colonial Spanish America, An
Archaeology of Harriet Tubman’s Life in Freedom, The
Archaeology of the Iroquois
Archer M. Huntington
Architecture in New York
Ariadne’s Thread
Arkansas Delta Oral History Project, The
Artisans for Independence
Artisan Entrepreneurs in Cairo and Early-Modern Capitalism (1600–1800)
Art and Artists of the Fifth Zionist Congress, 1901, The
Art and Life
Art and Politics / Politics and Art
Art of Gerald Garston, The
Art of Seeing Things, The
Art of Writing Nonfiction, The
Ashbel P. Fitch
Ashes of Waco, The
Askeaton Sequence
Assimilated Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, 1940-1943
Asymmetric Society, The
Athena’s Daughters
At Home
At Midnight on the 31st of March
At the Font of the Marvelous
At The Fountain of Youth
Auburn, New York
Augusto “César” Sandino
Austrian Anschluss in History and Literature, The
Author and His Doubles, The
Autobiography of James Monroe, The
Autocratic Parliament, The
Autumn in Yalta
Available Light
Avant-Garde Nationalism at the Dublin Gate Theatre, 1928-1940
Awkward Women
Ayub Khan Era, The
Back Channel Negotiation
Back There Where the Past Was
Báire na Fola
Band of Noble Women, A
Banshees, The
Barking Waves, The
Bark Structure of Hardwoods Grown on Southern Pine Sites
Bearing Witness
Bear Tree and Other Stories from Cazenovia’s History, The
Beautiful Wheel
Beauty and the Beast
Beaver River Country
Because of Eva
Becoming Turkish
Before Rain
Being There, Being Here
Belief and Worship in Native North America
Benjamin Fondane’s Ulysses
Bennett’s New York Herald and the Rise of the Popular Press
Bernal Story, The
Berries for Singing Birds
Berryman’s Fate
Beside One’s Self
Best Adirondack Stories of Philander Deming, The
Best of Hard Times, The
Best Stories / Scothscéalta
Between Curses / Bainne Gear
Between Persecution and Participation
Between the Leaves
Beyond Eurocentrism
Beyond Home Plate
Beyond Love
Beyond Othering
Beyond Reflection
Beyond the Exotic
Bigger than Ben-Hur
Big Medicine from Six Nations
Big Moose Lake in the Adirondacks
Billy Boy
Bill Clinton Story, The
Biting the Moon
Bitter Legacy
Blacks at the Net
Blacks at the Net
Blacks in the Adirondacks
Black Baseball Entrepreneurs, 1860-1901
Black Baseball Entrepreneurs, 1902-1931
Black Bondage in the North
Black Education in New York State
Black Elk Reader, The
Black Elk’s Religion
Black Male Frames
Blessèd Assurance
Blood and Faith
Blood Atlas
Blood Test
Blueline Anthology, The
Boats and Boating in the Adirondacks
Bodies That Remember
Body, Boots, and Britches
Bog Treasure
Boiling Point for Jam, The
Boletes of Eastern North America
Bondage to the Dead
Bone Road
Bone Road in Word and Image
Book of Disappearance, The
Book of Khalid, The
Borderland Generation
Border Humanitarians
Boundless Self, The
Bound for Home
Boyds of Black River, The
Boyne and the Sea / An Bhoinn agus an Bhochna, The
Boy / Garsún
Branchman, The
Brave New Quest, A
Bread Alone
Breaking Broken English
Brian Ó Cianaigh
Bridging the Divide
Bridging the High School-College Gap
Britain and the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1906-1911
Broken Irelands
Broken Olive Branch: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and the Quest for Peace in Cyprus, The
Broken Olive Branch: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and the Quest for Peace in Cyprus, The
Brothers in Spirit
Brueghel’s Heavy Dancers
Building Community
Building Pedagogical Curb Cuts
Bundist Counterculture in Interwar Poland
Butterfly’s Wing, A
Café Shira
Cairo House, The
Caithreim agus Toir
Call Me Madame
Canal Boatman
Canal Town
Canceled Memories
Candidate, The
Canoeing the Adirondacks with Nessmuk
Captain America, Masculinity, and Violence
Carmen Cavanagh
Catholic Emancipations
Century of Progress?, A
Ceremonial Chemistry
Cesca’s Diary, 1913–1916
Challenges to the Cohesion of the Arab State
Changing Images of Pictorial Space
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s In This Our World and Uncollected Poems
Chastened Communion, A
Chick TV
Childhood Pleasures
Children of La Hille, The
Child From the Village, A
Child in Jerusalem
Christian Responses to the Holocaust
Christian Women in Indonesia
Chronicles of Majnun Layla and Selected Poems
Civil Society, Conflict Resolution, and Democracy in Nigeria
Classic Yiddish Stories of S. Y. Abramovitsh, Sholem Aleichem, and I. L. Peretz
Class and Labor in Iran
Class, Ethnicity, and Democracy in Nigeria
Clear Pond
Clemency Browne Dreams of Gin
Cloudy Day on the Western Shore, A
Cocktail Hour, The
Collaborative Dubliners
Collaborative Futures
Collected Speeches of Sagoyewatha, or Red Jacket, The
Colonial Jerusalem
Colour of Time, The
Come with Me from Lebanon
Comic Drunks, Crazy Cults, and Lovable Monsters
Coming Age of Scarcity, The
Committee, The
Common Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of New York
Communes in America, 1975-2000
Community of Many Worlds, A
Compassionate Stranger
Compass For Uncharted Lives
Complete Cut and Engraved Glass of Corning, The
Conflict and Cooperation
Conflict Mediation in the Arab World
Connemara Five, The
Conservatism among the Iroquois at the Six Nations Reserve
Conserving the Emerald Tiger
Conspiracy of Interests
Contemporary Iraqi Fiction
Contemporary Muslim Apocalyptic Literature
Contemporary Sephardic Identity in the Americas
Contested Terrain
Contesting Identities in South Sinai
Contesting Realities
Corey Village and the Cayuga World
Corporal Boskin’s Cold Cold War
Corporatist Ideology in Kemalist Turkey
Correspondence, 1647-1653
Correspondence, 1654-1658
Correspondence, 1659-1660
Council Minutes, 1655-1656
Council Minutes, 1656-1658
Covered Bridges of New York State
Crime and Punishment
Critical Bibliography of French Literature, A
Critical Bibliography of French Literature, A
Critical Imagination in African Literature, The
Critiquing the Sitcom
Crossing Borders
Crossing Highbridge
Crown of Ireland, The
Crucible of the Millennium
Cruel Compassion
Crystal Tower of Light, The
Cue the Bunny on the Rainbow
Cúirt 21
Cultural Conversions
Cultural Criticism in Egyptian Women’s Writing
Cultural Schizophrenia
Cultural Writings of Franz Rosenzweig
Cultures of Peace
Cup of Sin, A
C. S. Forester and the Hornblower Saga
Damlanguage / Dambatheanga
Dance Lessons
Dance of the Rose and the Nightingale, The
Danger and the Glory, The
Dante, Eros, and Kabbalah
Daphnis and Ratboy
Dark, The
David Aronson
Day My Mother Changed Her Name and Other Stories, The
Day My Mother Cried and Other Stories, The
Dear Yeats, Dear Pound, Dear Ford
Death Customs in Rural Ireland
Declaring Disaster
Decolonization Models for America’s Last Colony
Decoration of Houses, The
Deeply Regretted by . . .
Deep Woods
Defending the Wilderness
Delaware and Hudson
Democracy and Civil Society in Arab Political Thought
Democracy and Conflict Resolution
Democracy and the Nature of American Influence in Iran, 1941-1979
Deny All Knowledge
Desecrating the American Flag
Desert, The
Desire / Meanmarc
Despatches From Damascus
Detached Retina, The
Devil Looks After His Own, The
Diamond Mines
Diaries of Marya Zaturenska, 1938-1944, The
Diary of a Lonely Girl, or The Battle against Free Love
Dinner with Stalin and Other Stories
Disability and Mothering
Disability Rhetoric
Disaster and the Millennium
Distant Summers
Distant Train
Distinguished Service
Documented Image, The
Documenting Irish Feminisms
Does the Land Remember Me?
Dolph Schayes and the Rise of Professional Basketball
Dongan Papers, 1683-1688, Part II, The
Dongan Papers, 1683-1688, Part I, The
Dorothea Lange
Dorothy Macardle
Double Indemnity Murder, The
Downfall of Abba Hillel Silver and the Foundation of Israel, The
Drámaí Thús Na Hathbheochana
Drawing Conclusions
Dreaming of Columbus
Dream and the Deal, The
Dream Book, The
Drugs in America
Druze and their Faith in Tawhid, The
Duilleoga Tae
Duties Beyond Borders
Dybbuk and the Yiddish Imagination, The
Eachtraí Asail
Eachtraí Mara Phaidí Pheadair as Toraigh
Each of Us (Our Chronic Alphabets)
Early Adolescence to Early Adulthood
Early Yiddish Epic
Earth First!
Eavan Boland
Economy of Ulysses, The
Economy, Society, and Peripherality
Ecstatic Confessions
Ecumenism, Memory, and German Nationalism, 1817-1917
Edmund Wilson
Education of Women and The Vices of Men, The
Egypt From Independence to Revolution, 1919-1952
Egypt’s Other Wars
Éilis Ní Dhuibhne
Einstein’s Pacifism and World War I
Elusive Fox, The
Embracing the Divine
Emergence of the Modern Middle East, The
Emil L. Fackenheim
Eminent Persians
Emirate, Egyptian, Ethiopian
Emma Curtis Hopkins
Emperor Tea Garden, The
Empires in Friction
Encyclopedia of New York State, The
End of Term
End of the Innocence, The
Energy Field More Intense Than War, An
Erasure and Tuscarora Resilience in Colonial North Carolina
Erie Canal Reader, 1790-1950, The
Errancies of Desire
Essentials of Ibadi Islam, The
Ethan Allen
Ethics of Psychoanalysis, The
Ethnicity, Identity, and the Development of Nationalism in Iran
Ethnic At Large, An
Ethnography of the Huron Indians, 1615-1649, An
Eva Gore-Booth
Everyday Politics in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Exploring John’s Gospel
Exploring the Power of Nonviolence
Exposing the Wilderness
Extraordinary Adirondack Journey of Clarence Petty, The
Extremist Shiites
Fables of Odo of Cheriton, The
Factional Politics in Post-Khomeini Iran
Fact and Theory in Social Science
Fair Dealing and Clean Playing
Faith and Politics in the Public Sphere
Faith Cures, and Answers to Prayer
Falling Up
Family and Court
Family Secrets
Family, Gender, and Law in a Globalizing Middle East and South Asia
Fanny Palmer
Fanny Seward
Fantastic Spaces
Far Side of Happiness, The
Fascination with Fabric, A
Fastest Kid On the Block, The
Fatal Freedom
Fatema Mernissi for Our Times
Father and Son
Fear Deireanach den tSloinneadh, An
Fear na Rosann
Fear Not
Feather and Bone
Feeding Mrs. Moskowitz and The Caregiver
Felâtun Bey and Râkim Efendi
Female Activists
Female Rule in Chinese and English Literary Utopias
Female Suffering Body, The
Feminisms with Chinese Characteristics
Fest City
Fiction of André Pieyre de Mandiargues, The
Field Notes from the Northern Forest
Fighting Tuscarora
Figures That Speak
Figuring Out
Finding Judge Crater
Finding the Jewish Shakespeare
Finding the Trapdoor
Fine Meshwork
Finnegans Wake
Fionn mac Cumhail
Fiorello’s Sister
First Buber, The
First Taste of Freedom
Fit for America
Flann O’Brien, Bakhtin, and Menippean Satire
Following the Tambourine Man
Following 9/11
Force for Nature, A
Foreign Correspondence
Forestport Breaks, The
Forever Orange
Forever Wild
Forget the Lake
Forgotten, The
Formation of the Modern State
Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660
Fort Orange Records, 1654-1679
Fort Orange Records, 1656-1678
For the Duration
Fourth Floor Flat
Four Letters to the Witnesses of My Childhood
Frankenstein’s Daughters
Franz Rosenzweig’s “The New Thinking”
Freedom in the Wilds
Freshwater Fishes of the Northeastern United States
Friends in High Places
From Abbotts To Zurich
From a Distant Relation
From Cold War to Democratic Peace
From Empire to Empire
From Fireplace to Cookstove
From Generation to Generation
From Martyr to Murderer
From Our Springtime
From Oven Lane to Sun Prairie
From Pardon to Protest
From Patriarchy to Empowerment
From Plato to Lancelot
From Rice Fields to Killing Fields
From Slogans to Mantras
From Trinity to Treanmanagh
From Where We Stand
Frontiers of Femininity
Frugal Speech / Gan Focal
Fugitive Light
Funambulists, The
Further Adventures of Menachem-Mendl, The
Gaelic Gothic
Gafa i nGaza
Gaia, Queen of Ants
Gardens of the Gilded Age
Gay Is Good
Gender and Citizenship in the Middle East
Gender and Class in the Egyptian Women’s Movement, 1925-1939
Gender and Medicine in Ireland
Gender and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Gender, Nation, and the Arabic Novel
Generations of Dissent
Generations Together
Genesis of Young Ottoman Thought, The
Gene Basset’s Vietnam Sketchbook
Genoa Conference, The
Geographical Voices
Geography Inside Out
Geography of New York State
Geography of New York State Supplement
George Moore and the Autogenous Self
George Rodger
Gertrude Bell
Get Off Your Knees
Gilded Age on Syracuse’s James Street, The
Gilgamesh’s Snake and Other Poems
Gin Before Breakfast
Girls Don’t Do Honours
Girls of the Globe
Give Peace a Chance
Gladiators in Suits
Glenn Curtiss
Glen / An Gleann, The
Globalization and the Muslim World
Globalization and Third World Women
Globalization, Social Movements, and Peacebuilding
Globalizing City
Global Liberalism, Local Populism
Glory Bound
Gods in Granite
God and Juggernaut
God and the Editor
God, Man, and Devil
Gog and Magog
Gondla, or The Salvation of the Wolves
Gonne-Yeats Letters, 1893-1938, The
Governors Island
Grain of Truth / Focal den Fhírinne, A
Grandest Madison Square Garden, The
Grand Opportunity
Graves of Upstate New York
Great Experiment in Conservation, The
Great Experiment in Conservation, The
Great Women in the Sport of Kings
Green Cockade, The
Green Man / An Fear Glas, The
Green Syndicalism
Growing a New Tail
Growing Up in Cooper Country
Guerrilla Odyssey, A
Guilt Rules All
Gulf Women
Gustav Stickley’s Craftsman Farms
Hafez in Love
Hakibbutz Ha’artzi, Mapam, and the Demise of the Israeli Labor Movement
Half-Life of Cardio-Pulmonary Function, A
Half-Promised Land
Hammam through Time and Space, The
Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington
Harlem at War
Harp Re-strung, The
Harry Haft
Hayati, My Life
Hearing the Voices of Jonestown
Heart of Lebanon, The
Hegel and the Third World
Helena Molony
Helene Schweitzer
Hendricks Chapel
Henry A. Wallace
Here and Now
Her Other Language
Hidden Ireland, Public Sphere
Hidden Places / Scáthán Eile
Hiding Place, The
Hijab and the Republic
Hilda Tweedy and the Irish Housewives Association
Hill, The
Historical Animal, The
Historical Perspectives on Parenthood and Childhood in Ireland
History and Culture of Iroquois Diplomacy, The
History of Negro Slavery in New York, A
History on Our Plate
His Lordship
Holocaust in American Film, The
Holy Land in Transit, The
Homo Mysticus
Honest Walls
Honeysuckle, Honeyjuice
Horace Kallen Confronts America
Horse Racing the Chicago Way
Hot Maroc
House of Refuge
House of Seven Windows, A
House of the Edrisis, The
House of the Edrisis, The
How Institutions Think
How to Prepare a Dissertation Proposal
Hugging Thistles
Human Rights and Conflict Resolution in Context
Humor and Nonviolent Struggle in Serbia
Ibrahim the Mad and Other Plays
Icon of Loss
Ideal Refugees, The
Ideology and Insanity
If Our Lives Be Spared
If We Have Lost Our Oldest Tales
Ilteangach, Ilseiftiúil
Images of a Girl, Images of a Woman
Image of the Jew in American Literature, The
Imagined Country
Imagined Identities
Immigrant Life in New York City, 1825-1863
Imperial Citizen
Implacable Urge to Defame, The
Impossible Blackbird
Impossibly Small Spaces
Imprint of Alan Swallow, The
Improbable Women
Indigo Thumbprint
Industrial Development and Irish National Identity, 1922-1939
Inexperienced Midwife, The
Inglorious Revolutions
Innocents Abroad Too
Inside the TV Writer’s Room
Intentional Leader, The
Intentional Leader, The
International Politics of the Persian Gulf, The
Interpreters of Occupation
Interrogating Secularism
Interrogating The Shield
Interrogation of Morning
Intimate Reading
Intimate Selving in Arab Families
Intimate Verses
Intimations of Difference
Inventing Black-on-Black Violence
Invisible Seasons
Involvement, Invasion and Withdrawal
In Between Angels and Animals
In Castlewood / An Ghaoth Aduaidh
In Harness
In Lieu of Memory
In Mohawk Country
In Old Friendship
In Partnership with God
In Praise of Books
In Response to Rilke / I bhFreagairt ar Rilke
In Search of a Horizon / Léaslíne a Lorg
In Search of Modern Palestinian Nationhood
In Search of Walid Masoud
In the Alley of the Friend
In the Details
In the Path of Hizbullah
In the Shadow of Kinzua
In the Space Between
In the Wake of the Poetic
In the Wilderness
Iranian Cities
Iranian Constitutional Revolution and the Clerical Leadership of Khurasani, The
Iranian Intellectuals and the West
Iranian Women and Gender in the Iran-Iraq War
Iran’s Experiment with Parliamentary Governance
Iraqi Migrants in Syria
Ireland and the Global Question
Ireland in Focus
Ireland’s Legendary Women
Irish Beckett, The
Irish Bildungsroman, The
Irish Bridget, The
Irish Feminisms
Irish Literature Reader, An
Irish Orientalism
Irish Questions and Jewish Questions
Irish Revival, The
Irish Theater in America
Irish Women Dramatists
Irish Women Writers Speak Out
Iroquois and the New Deal, The
Iroquois Eagle Dance, The
Iroquois in the American Revolution, The
Iroquois in the Civil War, The
Iroquois Land Claims
Iroquois Medical Botany
Iroquois Struggle for Survival, The
Islamic Roots of Capitalism
Islamist Opposition in Authoritarian Regimes
Islam and Salvation in Palestine
Islam, Arabs, and the Intelligent World of the Jinn
Islam, Revival, and Reform
Island of Bewilderment
Israelites in Erin
Israeli Holocaust Drama
Israel and the World
Israel Undercover
Istanbul Appearances
It Swings from Side to Side
I am a Horse
I Only Know That I Love Strength in My Friends and Greatness
I Remain Alive
I, Anatolia and Other Plays
Jamaat-e-Islami Women in Pakistan
James K. McGuire
James Liddy
James Liddy
Janet Ashbee
Jerusalem Stands Alone
Jewish Agricultural Colonies in New Jersey, 1882-1920
Jewish Book of Fables, The
Jewish Derrida, The
Jewish Ethics for the Twenty-First Century
Jewish High Society in Old Regime Berlin
Jewish Identity in American Art
Jewish Libya
Jewish Professor’s Political Punditry, A
Jewish War, The
Jewish Women in Comics
Jews, Turks, and Ottomans
Jobs for a Wet Day
John Hennig’s Exile in Ireland
John Redmond and Irish Unity, 1912-1918
Joining the Clubs
Jonah and Sarah
Joseph Brant, 1743-1807
Joseph Ellicott and the Holland Land Company
Journals of Grace Hartigan, 1951-1955, The
Journals of Sarab Affan, The
Journey into Mohawk and Oneida Country, 1634-1635, A
Joyce and Reality
Joyce / Shakespeare
Joyce, Imperialism, and Postcolonialism
Judah L. Magnes
Jurji Zaidan and the Foundations of Arab Nationalism
Just Is in the Art of Samuel Bak
J. M. Synge and Travel Writing of the Irish Revival
J. S. Wooley
Labor Against the Regime
Labor Unions and Autocracy in Iran
Lady Cassie Peregrina
Laethanta Sona
Laganside Lights
Lake Effect
Lámha Bána agus Dánta Eile
Landmarks of Oswego County
Landmarks of Otsego County
Landmarks of Rochester and Monroe County
Land of Enchantment
Language of Gender, Power and Agency in Celtic Studies, The
Language, Absence, Play
Laoithe Cumainn agus Dánta Eile
Large Landowning Class and the Peasantry in Egypt, 1837-1952, The
Last Bohemian, The
Last Look / An tAmharc Deireannach, The
Last Loving, A
Last Lullaby, The
Last Spring of the World, The
Latina Leadership
Laughs, Luck . . . and Lucy
Laura Cornelius Kellogg
Laws and Writs of Appeal, 1647-1663
Law of Desire
Law of Desire
Law, Liberty and Psychiatry
Laying Out the Bones
La Chulla Vida
Learning Disabilities
Learning Lessons From Waco
Leaving Russia
Leaving the Grove
Leaving the Ladies
Lebanon in Crisis
Lebanon / Liban
Legends Never Die
Legends of the Delaware Indians and Picture Writing
Leisler Papers, 1689-1691, The
Less Said, the Truer, The
Letters from Cairo
Letters of Martin Buber, The
Letters to America
Leveling the Playing Field
Liber Augustalis or Constitutions of Melfi Promulgated by the Emperor Frederick II for the Kingdom of Sicily in 1231, The
Lick of the Lizard
Life and Thought of Louis Lowy, The
Life in the Ghettos During the Holocaust
Life in Writing, A
Life Lessons
Life of No Light Toil, A
Life of the Neighborhood Playhouse on Grand Street, The
Life on Drugs in Iran
Lights of Heaven, The
Light within the Shade
Like a Man Gone Mad
Liminal Blue
Lines in Water
Lingering Bilingualism
Listen for a Lonesome Drum
Literary Awakenings
Literary Drowning
Literary Hasidism
Literary Optics
Literary Werewolf, The
Little Witness
Lives and Miracles
Living in Romantic Baghdad
Living Law
Living Palestine
Living-Room War
Localizing Islam in Europe
Localizing Knowledge in a Globalizing World
Logging Railroads of the Adirondacks
Logic of Cooperation in Autocracies, The
Long War, The
Looking for Lockerbie
Look! It’s a Woman Writer!
Lorcan O Tuathail
Lost Orchard, The
Louis Marshall and the Rise of Jewish Ethnicity in America
Lou Grant
Love in the Time of Chaos
Love Is Like Water and Other Stories
Love, the Magician
Low Bridge!
Low Living and High Thinking at Modern Times, New York
Lucinda; or, The Mountain Mourner
Lucy’s Eggs
Luminous Construction
Lycanthropy Reader, The
Madness of Art, The
Mad Scholars
Magic Mirror of Literary Translation, The
Mahmoud Darwish
Mahmud Sami al-Barudi
Maiden Names
Maire Mullarney Argues about Language
Mairimid Leis na Mistéirí agus drámaí eile
Makeup / Smideadh
Make a Way Somehow
Making Big Money in 1600
Making Do in Damascus
Making Ireland Irish
Making Miss India Miss World
Making Peace with Referendums
Making Space
Making the New Middle East
Mangia Bene
Manufacture of Madness, The
Man of Middling Height, The
Man of the Woods
Man Who Guarded the Bomb, The
Man Who Stopped the Trains to Auschwitz, The
Mao Tse-tung and I Were Beggars
Marching Season
Marietta Holley
Market Orientalism
Martin Buber
Martin Buber and Feminist Ethics
Martin Buber on Psychology and Psychotherapy
Martyrdom Street
Mary Hayden
Masculine Identity in the Fiction of the Arab East since 1967
May’s End
McGowan Trilogy, The
Meaning of Mind, The
Medea’s Cauldron
Medicalization of Everyday Life, The
Medieval Studies
Meeting, The
Meïr Aaron Goldschmidt and the Poetics of Jewish Fiction
Memoirs of Childhood and Youth
Memory Ireland
Memory Ireland
Memory Ireland
Memory Ireland
Mentoring Continuum, The
Metaphors for Change
Middle Eastern Lectures
Middle Eastern Lectures
Middle Eastern Societies and the West
Middle East Contemporary Survey
Middle East Contemporary Survey
Middle East, The
Midnight Court / Cúirt an Mheán Oíche, The
Midnight Court, The
Migrants to the Metropolis
Mihrî Hatun
Militant Women of a Fragile Nation
Milk Mushrooms of North America
Millennium of Turkish Literature, A
Mill in the North, The
Ministers’ War, The
Minorities and the Modern Arab World
Miontragóid Chathrach agus Dánta Eile
Mirror for the Muslim Prince
Missing Alice
Missing a Beat
Missing Persians
Missionary Politics in Contemporary Europe
Mizrahi Era of Rebellion, The
Mná Dána
Modernity, Community, and Place in Brian Friel’s Drama
Modernity, Community, and Place in Brian Friel’s Drama
Modernity, Sexuality, and Ideology in Iran
Modernizing Marriage
Modern Arab American Fiction
Modern Irish Drama
Modern Irish-American Fiction
Modern Women and Sports in Interwar Chicago
Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran
Mohawk Baronet
Mohawk, The
Monarch of the Square
Mona Passage
Monsters and Madonnas
Monstrous Races in Medieval Art and Thought, The
Montaukett Indians of Eastern Long Island, The
Monumental New York!
Moon Sisters, Krishna Mothers, Rajneesh Lovers
Moravian Women’s Memoirs
Morning Frost / Sioc Maidine
Moroccan Folktales
Moroccan Women’s Rights Movement, The
Moses Hazen and the Canadian Refugees in the American Revolution
Mostly Canallers
Mother Donit Fore the Best
Mother India
Mother Tongue
Mountains for Breakfast
Mount Allegro
Muckers, The
Munsee Indian Trade in Ulster County New York 1712-1732
Murder Without Hatred
Múscail, a Ghiorria
Muscle and Manliness
Mushrooms of Cape Cod and the National Seashore
Mushrooms of Northeastern North America
Mushrooms of North America in Color
Mushrooms of the Southeastern United States
Musical Tradition of the Eastern European Synagogue
Musical Tradition of the Eastern European Synagogue
Musical Tradition of the Eastern European Synagogue, The
Musical Tradition of the Eastern European Synagogue, The
Muslim Social, The
Muslim Suicide, A
Muslim Women and Politics of Participation
Mutagenesis / Cuma agus Claochmu
Mysticism and Dissent
Mysticism and Social Transformation
Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe
Myth of an Irish Cinema, The
Myth of Middle East Exceptionalism, The
Myth of Psychotherapy, The
My Bird
My Blue Piano
My Friendship with Martin Buber
My Kind of Country
My Los Angeles in Black and (Almost) White
My Name on His Tongue
My Self, My Muse
My Suburban Shtetl
My Thousand and One Nights
My Torturess
My War
Name for Himself, A
Naming Love
Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, A
Nathan and His Wives
National Elections in Turkey
National Minority, Regional Majority
National Symbols in Modern Iran
Native Tongue, Stranger Talk
Naturalist’s Guide to Field Plants, A
Naturalist’s Guide to Forest Plants, A
Naturalist’s Guide to Seashore Plants, A
Naturalist’s Guide to Wetland Plants, A
Na hAingle ó Xanadu
Na Saighneáin
Necessary Silence
Negative Cutter, The
Neither With Them, Nor Without Them
Nepali Migrant Women
New Belly Dancer of the Galaxy, The
New Cathedrals, The
New Country, The
New Dawn
New Mamluks, The
New Perceptions of Old Appearances in the Art of Samuel Bak
New Plays from the Abbey Theatre
New Plays from the Abbey Theatre
New Salmagundi Reader, The
New Selected Poems of Marya Zaturenska
New Worlds, New Geographies
New World Dutch Barn, The
New York Jews and Great Depression
New York Poems
Nightingales and Pleasure Gardens
Night Collage
Night Has a Naked Soul, The
Night of the First Billion, The
Nineteen To the Dozen
Nobody Needs to Know
Noir by Noir West
North American Boletes
North American Prints, 1913-1947
North Star Country
Not Just a Soccer Game
No Shame for the Sun
Obliged by Memory
Ode to Joy
Odyssey of an Apple Thief, The
Odyssey / Imram
Off the Beaten Path
Of Birds and Bones
Of Irish Descent
Of Lodz and Love
Of Time and an Island
Oil, Power, and Principle
Olaf Stapledon
Olaf Stapledon Reader, An
Old Days, Old Ways
Old Jewish Folk Music
Old-Time Music Makers of New York State
Once There Was Warsaw
Oneida Indian Experience, The
Oneida Indian in Foreign Waters, An
Oneida Iroquois Folklore, Myth, and History
Oneida Land Claims, The
One Family’s Response to Terrorism
One Step Toward Jerusalem
Only Child, An
Only Land I Know, The
Only Thing That Matters, The
Onondaga Iroquois Prehistory
On American Literature and Diasporas
On Irish Literature and Identities
On the Bible
On the Borders of the Academy
On the Edge of Scarcity
On the Raft with Fr. Roseliep
On the Side of Light
On Zion
Opening Time
Open House
Open-Eyed, Full-Throated
Origami Doll
Origins of the American Income Tax, The
Origins of the Iroquois League
Orphans and Destitute Children in the Late Ottoman Empire
Orpheus in Middle Ages
Other Europe, The
Other People’s Diasporas
Other Routes
Other Side of Longing, The
Ottoman Children and Youth during World War I
Ottoman Passports
Ottoman Rule of Law and the Modern Political Trial
Our Crowd
Our Knowledge Is Not Primitive
Our Movie Houses
Our Right to Drugs
Outcasting Armenians
Out of Order
Out of the Ghetto
Overlap of Things, The
Over the Line
O Sisters Ain’t You Happy?
Packaged Lives
Paddy Lambe’s in Paradise
Pagan to the Core
Painted in Words
Painting the Middle East
Pain and Pleasure
Palestinian Women and Muslim Family Law in the Mandate Period
Palestinian Women’s Activism
Paradise For Boys and Girls, A
Paradoxes of Emancipation
Paradox of Repression and Nonviolent Movements, The
Parker on the Iroquois
Parnell Split, 1890-91, The
Party Pieces
Parvit of Agelast
Passing Game, The
Past and Promise
Past Imperfect
Paths in Utopia
Pauline Bewick at 75
Pauline Bewick’s Seven Ages
Paul Celan
Pax Syriana
Peacekeeping in South Lebanon
Peace as a Woman’s Issue
Peanuts, Pogo, and Hobbes
Peconic Bay
Pedagogy, not Policing
People of Godlbozhits, The
People of the Book and the Camera, The
People’s Peace
Perfectionist Politics
Performing Democracy in Iraq and South Africa
Perils of Joy, The
Perplexed Skin
Persistence of Orientalism, The
Perspectives on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Perspectives on the Adirondacks
Petty Business
Photographed Cat, The
Picturing Disability
Pilgrimage in Ireland
Pioneers Or Pawns?
Pious Citizens
Pipe, Bible, and Peyote among the Oglala Lakota
Pistachio Seller, The
Places Lost and Found
Place and Ideology in Contemporary Hebrew Literature
Place We Call Home, A
Plague of Cholera and Other Stories, A
Planning the American Indian Reservation
Playboy of the Western World—A New Version, The
Playing Nice and Losing
Plays of Margaret Drabble, The
Pleasure Zones
Plight / Cruachás
Plotinus Blushed
Plowing My Own Furrow
Poetry, Politics, and the Law in Modern Ireland
Poets Translate Poets
Poet and the Diplomat, The
Policing Egyptian Women
Polish-Jewish Literature in the Interwar Years
Political Acts
Political Anthropology of Yemen, A
Political Muslims
Politics as Worship
Politics of Landscapes in Singapore, The
Politics of Public Memory in Turkey, The
Politics of Urban and Regional Development and the American Exception, The
Politics of Writing in Iran, The
Politics, Culture, and the Irish American Press
Popular French Romanticism
Popular Turkish Love Lyrics and Folk Legends
Portrait of Pacifists, A
Postcolonial Overtures
Postrevolutionary Iran
Postscript to the Middle Ages
Potters and Potteries of New York State, 1650-1900
Pragmatism in Islamic Law
Pray for the Wanderer
Precision Measurement in the Metal Working Industry
Prelude to Prison
Preparing For Peace
Preparing for Spring
Preserving the Old City of Damascus
President Is at Camp David, The
Pretty Liar
Price of Desire, The
Priest-Indian Conflict in Upper Peru
Prime-Time Authorship
Prince Marko
Prison Pedagogies
Prodigal Father
Prophetic Charisma
Providence Has Freed Our Hands
Provincial Newspaper and Other Stories, A
Psychiatric Justice
Psychiatric Slavery
Psychotic Episodes
Pulling Strings
Pulse of Contemporary Turkish, The
Putting Health into Place
Race across America
Race and Arab Americans Before and After 9/11
Racing and (E)Racing Language
Radical Chapters
Radical Chapters
Radical Pacifism
Raging Against the Machine
Rainbow Beneath My Feet, The
Rastafari in the New Millennium
Reader’s Guide to Ernest Hemingway, A
Reader’s Guide to Modern American Drama, A
Reader’s Guide to Modern British Drama, A
Reader’s Guide to William Faulkner, A
Reader’s Guide to William Faulkner, A
Reader’s Guide to Rilke’s “Sonnets to Orpheus”, A
Readings in Russian History, Special Edition, Fourth Edition, Vol. II, From Alexander II to Soviet Period
Readings in Syrian Prison Literature
Reading Arabia
Reading Joss Whedon
Reading Roddy Doyle
Reading the Wampum
Real Photo Postcard Guide
Rebellious Laughter
Rebels and Other Short Fiction, The
Reconstructing Rural Egypt
Recovering “Yiddishland”
Red Heifer, The
Red Jacket
Red Riding Hood’s Dilemma
Red Sea Region, The
Red Shoes for Rachel
Red-Headed Rebel, Susan L. Mitchell
Reelecting Bill Clinton
Religion and the Rise of Nationalism
Religion, Gender, and Kinship in Colonial New France
Religion, Society, and Modernity in Turkey
Religious World of Antislavery Women, The
Relocated Memories
Remaking Holocaust Memory
Remaking of Saudi Arabia, The
Remapping Modern Germany after National Socialism, 1945-1961
Remember Me To Lebanon
Representing the Immigrant Experience
Representing the Irreparable
Representing the National Landscape in Irish Romanticism
Representing the Unpresentable
Reservation, The
Reservoir Year
Resistance, Repression, and Gender Politics in Occupied Palestine and Jordan
Resistance, Revolt, and Gender Justice in Egypt
Respectability and Reform
Resting among Us
Rest of Us, The
Rethinking Occupied Ireland
Return To Dar al-Basha
Return to Vilna
Reveal and Conceal
Reverence For Life
Revolt of the Young, The
Revolutionary Damnation
Revolutionary Roots of Modern Yiddish, 1903-1917, The
Revolutions of All Colors
Rev. J. W. Loguen, as a Slave and as a Freeman, The
Rewriting Exurbia
Re-Centering Culture and Knowledge in Conflict Resolution Practice
Rhetoric and Nation
riddle me this / cuir amach seo dom
Righting Educational Wrongs
Ripple Effect
Rise of American High School Sports and the Search for Control, The
Rise of Egyptian Communism, 1939-1970, The
Rise of the Rich, The
Rituals of Memory in Contemporary Arab Women’s Writing
Rivals and Other Stories, The
Riverscapes and National Identities
Rivers of Light
River Lock, The
River of Mountains
Road to the Spring, The
Rochester on the Genesee
Rogue Narrative and Irish Fiction, 1660-1790, The
Role of Place in Literature, The
Rome That Heavenly Country
Room and the World, The
Room of His Own, A
Roosevelt-Litvinov Agreements, The
Rooted in Rock
Roots of Separatism in Palestine, The
Rose Blooms Again, A
Rotinonshonni, The
Round Barns of New York
Rum Across the Border
Running For All the Right Reasons
Running with Pheidippides
Rural Hours
Rural Indigenousness
Rushton and His Times in American Canoeing
Russian Literary Criticism
Rutland Road, The
Saddam Speaks On Gulf Crisis
Safety and You
Sailing to Omeath
Sajjilu Arab American
Salmiya Collection, The
Salome Ensemble, The
Salt City and its Black Community
Salt Journals
Samson Occom and the Christian Indians of New England
Samuel Beckett in the Literary Marketplace
Sandy Row Riots
Sayyid Qutb
Scare Tactics
Scattered Like Seeds
Scholar in the Wilderness
School Psychologist, The
Science, Technology, and Irish Modernism
Screwball Television
Seamus Heaney
Seamus Heaney as Aesthetic Thinker
Search for an American Indian Identity, The
Seasons of the Word
Second Coming of Paisley, The
Second Generation Voices
Second Message of Islam, The
Selected Plays of Padraic Colum
Selected Short Stories of Padraic Colum
Selections from The Art of Party Crashing in Medieval Iraq
Self-Views in Historical Perspective in Egypt and Israel
Seneca Ray Stoddard
Sensible Cook, The
Seven Generations of Iroquois Leadership
Seven Lives of Colonel Patterson, The
Seven Virtues of the Rising / Seacht mBua an Éirí Amach
Sexism and the War System
Sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa
Sex by Prescription
Shadows in Winter
Shadows of the Future
Shadowy Heroes
Shaping College Football
Sharp Eyes
Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Shedding Skin
Sheva’s Promise
Shi’ites of Lebanon, The
Shohola Falls
Signs and Seasons
Silent No More
Silent Trade
Silver Seasons and a New Frontier
Simone de Beauvoir and her Catholicism
Sinbead Siúlach
Situation Negative!
Situe Stories, The
Sketching the Adirondacks
Skunny Wundy
Slave Yards, The
Sleeping in the Forest
Sleepless Eye, A
Slices of Orange
Sligo-Leitrim World of Kate Cullen, 1832–1913, The
Snakes and Babies
Snake’s Pass, The
Snow Shoes
Social Concern and Left Politics in Jewish American Art
Something Must Be Done
Something on My Own
Somewhere in Minnesota
Songs from Bialik
Sons of the People
Sophie Halaby in Jerusalem
Soul of Central New York, The
Sound of Exile, The
Sour Grapes
So Help Me God
Spatializing Authoritarianism
Speaking Stones
Special Love / Special Sex
Spellbound / Fé Gheasa
Spoilt Milk / Bainne Géar
Sports and the American Jew
Sports Business Unplugged
Sport and the Shaping of Italian-American Identity
Sport of Kings and the Kings of Crime, The
Standish O’Grady’s Cuculain
Starting Your Television Writing Career
State of Siege
State, Religion, and Ethnic Politics, The
Staying Thin for Daddy
Stephen Crane’s Literary Family
Stepping through Origins
Stigma and the Cave
Still Small Voice, A
Stone Dress
Stone Houses of Jefferson County
Stories by Contemporary Irish Women
Stories of David Bergelson, The
Storm in a Tea-Cup, A
Storytellers to the Nation
Story of Joseph, The
Story of the Daughters of Quchan, The
Straightedge Youth
Strangest Dream, The
Stubborn For Liberty
St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project, The
Suburban Affiliations
Suicide Prohibition
Sun Shines for All, The
Sun Turned to Darkness
Super Girls, Gangstas, Freeters, and Xenomaniacs
Surfaces and Coatings related to Paper and Wood
Swimming Toward the Light
Swimming with Pelicans / Ag Eitilt fara Condair
Sylvia Porter
Syracuse China
Syracuse Landmarks
Syracuse University
Syracuse University
Syracuse University
Syracuse University
Syracuse University
Syracuse University
Syracuse University
Syria from Reform to Revolt
Syria from Reform to Revolt
Tabernacle of Hate
Tales My Father Never Told
Tale of the Next Great War, 1871-1914, The
Talking through the Door
Taming Ethnic Hatred
tAm Marfach Ina Mairimid, An
Taobh Eile den Scamall, An
Tarnished Rings
Tarnished Rings
Taste of Upstate New York, A
Tattoo / Tatú
Teach Me How to Whisper
Teanga don Tost
Teanga na gCorr
Tearing Stripes off Zebras
Tears and Prayers of Fools, The
Technological Utopianism in American Culture
Television Finales
Television’s Second Golden Age
Telling It Our Way
Tel Aviv
Tenants and Cobwebs
Textures of Irish America
Theology of Medicine, The
They Rule the World
They’re Off!
The Lausanne Conference, 1949
Thieves in Retirement
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Thinking Peaceful Change
This Part of the World
Thomas Drew and the Making of Victorian Belfast
Thomas Indian School and the “Irredeemable” Children of New York, The
Thoughts on Aran / Smaointe ar Árainn
Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language
Three Friends in a Boat
Three Homelands
Through and Through
Through “Poverty’s Vale”
Time Between Ashes and Roses, A
Time Remaining, The
Tolerance and Intolerance
Toward an Islamic Reformation
To Die Game
To the World of Men, Welcome
Traditional American Folk Songs from the Anne and Frank Warner Collection
Tradition and Crisis
Train to Gorey
Traitor and the Spy, The
Transect of Coexistence
Transforming Faith
Translating Israel
Transnational Social Movements and Global Politics
Trapped in Thought
Trauma and Recovery in the Twenty-First-Century Irish Novel
Traveler Disguised, A
Traveling to Vietnam
Travelling West
Travels in Icaria
Travels in Translation
Travels of Benjamin Zuskin, The
Treatise on Lovesickness, A
Trees of New York State
Trees, Shrubs, and Vines
Tree of Pearls, Queen of Egypt
Trespasser / Treaspásóir
Triple Triumph
Truth in Mustard, The
Tullamore Train
Tullamore Train
Tumble Inn, The
Turkey’s State Crisis
Turkey, Egypt, and Syria
Turkish Islam and the Secular State
TV on Strike
Twelve Beds for the Dreamer
Twentieth Century Revisited
Twentieth-Century Irish Drama
Twenty Years of Islamic Revolution
Twenty-Two Years a Slave, Forty Years a Freeman
Two Cigarettes Coming Down the Boreen
Two Irelands
Two Notes for Home
Two Types of Faith
T.C. Murray, Dramatist
Unaccompanied Traveler
Úna Ní Fhaircheallaigh
Úna Ní Fhaircheallaigh agus an Fhís Útóipeach Ghaelach
Uncommon Allies
Understanding Hezbollah
Under Her Skin / An Craiceann agus a Luach
Under the Spell of Arabia
Undying Flame, The
Uneasy Relationship, An
Unimaginable Partnership, An
Uninhabited Ireland
Unison of Breaths, A
University Teaching
Unknown Museums of Upstate New York
Unmanageable Revolutionaries
Unveiling a Parallel
Unveiling Men
Unveiling the Harem
Urban Colonists, The
Urban Plays of the Early Abbey Theatre, The
Urban Social History of the Middle East, 1750-1950, The
Urgency of Indigenous Values, The
Urgency of Stars, An
Uses of Silk, The
Utopian and Science Fiction by Women
Utopian Negotiation
Waiting For America
Waiting for the Past
Walking Seasonal Roads
Walled City, The
Warriors, The
Warrior in Two Camps
War and Imagination
War in the Shadow of Auschwitz
War Lives
War of the Black Heavens
War of the Wheels, The
War of 1812 in the Champlain Valley, The
War Remains
War’s Other Voices
Washing Windows III
Washing Windows IV
Washing Windows Too
Washing Windows?
Watching for the Hawk
Watching TV
Watching TV
Watching TV with a Linguist
Watermelon Democracy
Water for New York I
Waxcap Mushrooms of Eastern North America
Weight of Feathers, The
Welcome Centre, The
Western Journey
Western Sahara
Western Sahara
West Wing, The
Wexford and Arcady
We Are Iraqis
We Are Jews Again
We Are Many
We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns
We Never Swim in the Same River Twice
What a Life!
What Must Be Forgotten
What the War Left Behind
What! Still Alive?!
What’s Not Said
Wheel of Language, The
When Black Dogs Sing
When Running Made History
When the Air Inhales You
When the Danube Ran Red
When the Light
When the Rainbow Breaks
When Things Come to Light
Who Are These People Anyway?
Who Speaks for the President?
Who Will Die Last
Who Will Say Kaddish?
Why Alliances Fail
Why Irish?
Why Me, Lord?
Wildflowers of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont in Color
Wildflowers of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island in Color
Wild Exuberance
Wild Forest Lands
Wild Pulses / Cuislí Allta
William Dudley Pelley
William Freeman Murder Trial, The
Will to Freedom
Windows of Faith
Wind Across the Grass, The
Wind Stills to Listen, The
Winslow Homer and His Cullercoats Paintings
Winslow Homer and the Illustrated Book
Winslow Homer and the Pictorial Press
Winslow Homer in London
Winslow Homer in the Adirondacks
Wins and Losses
With Rake in Hand
Woman Named Solitude, A
Woman who Lived her Life Backwards, The
Women Farmers in Africa
Women in Korean Zen
Women in Morocco
Women in Muslim Family Law
Women in Spiritual and Communitarian Societies in the United States
Women of Faith and Religious Identity in Fin-de-Siècle France
Women of Galway Jail, The
Women of Jordan
Women’s Voices in Middle East Museums
Women, Art, and Literature in the Iranian Diaspora
Women, Insecurity, and Violence in a Post-9/11 World
Women, Islam, and Identity
Women, Press, and Politics During the Irish Revival
Women, Religion, and Space
Women, the Family, and Divorce Laws in Islamic History
Women’s War Stories
Woodland Ecology
Words, Not Swords
Words, Stones, and Herbs
Working Out Desire
Work of a Winter, The
Work of a Winter, The
World Through the Eyes of Angels, The
World Without Maps
World Without War, A
Writing as Freedom, Writing as Testimony
Writing Lough Derg
Writing Off the Beaten Track
Writing of Where, The
Writing Short Scripts
Writing Short Stories
Writing Suburban Citizenship
Author Index
Abbas, Raouf
Abbas, Tahir
Abdalla, Nadine
Abdelhaq, Wasan
AbdelMegeed, Maha
Abdulhadi, Rabab
Abisaab, Malek
Abisaab, Rula Jurdi
Abler, Thomas S.
Aboul-Ela, Hosam M.
Abou El Fadl, Khaled
Abou-El-Haj, Rifa'at
Abowd, Thomas Philip
Abramovitsh, S. Y.
Abse, Dannie
Abuinnab, Rafah
Abu Golayyel, Hamdi
Ackermann, Alice
Ackley, Kristina
Adams Trujillo, Mary
Adams, Paul
Adams, Richard C.
Adams, Richard H.
Adams, Samuel Hopkins
Adams, Simone
Adelman, Madelaine
Adeney, Frances S.
Adigun, Bisi
Admiral, Rosemary
Adnan, Yassin
Afkhami, Mahnaz
Afterman, Allen
Agassi, Judith
Aghacy, Samira
Agmon, Iris
Agoos, Julie
Aharoni, Reuben
Ahimeir, Ora
Ahmad, Sadaf
Aizenberg, Edna
Akash, Munir
Albrecht, Holger
Alden, Douglas
Aldiss, Brian W.
Aleichem, Sholem
Alemdaroglu, Ayça
Alem, Raja
Aliboni, Roberto
Alizadeh, Ghazaleh
Ali Hasan, Raza
Allen, Douglas
Allen, James
Allen, Roger
Almqvist, Ragnar Deeney
Alonso, Harriet
Alpert, Rachel
Altorki, Soraya
Alvis, Robert E.
Al-Ali, Nadje
Al-Baghdadi, Al-Khatib
al-Koni, Ibrahim
Al-Najjar, Deborah
Al-Qasim, Samih
Al-Samman, Hanadi
Al-wazedi, Umme
Amaral, Joana
Amichai, Yehuda
Amihay, Ofra
Amin, Dina A.
Amira El-Azhary
Amshalem, Jeffrey G.
Amster, Randall
Amster, Walter W.
Amy, Michaël
Anantharam, Anita
Anaraki, Nahid Rahimipour
Anastasiou, Harry
Anderson, James A.
Anderson, Nathalie
Anderson, Scott W.
Andrews, Walter G.
Andrews, Wayne
Angus, Christopher
Anthony, Mischelle B.
Anthony, Valerie
Antoon, Sinan
An Na'im, Abdullahi
An-sky, S.
Appelfeld, Aharon
Appignanesi, Lisa
Aras, Bülent
Arkins, Brian
Arlen, Michael
Arluke, Arnold
Armand, Louis
Armstrong, Douglas V.
Armstrong, William
Arnold, Philip P.
Arpey, Andrew W.
Ashbee, Felicity
Ashbery, John
Ashour, Radwa
Assaf-Nowak, Ursula
Asultany, Evelyn
Atefat-Peckham, Susan
Atiya, Nayra
Atlas, Duygu
Auge, Andrew
Azaryahu, Maoz
Azem, Ibtisam
Azriel, Yakov
Babbar, Anjili
Babbitt, Eileen F.
Bacchetta, Paola
Bachman, Merle L.
Back, Rachel Tzvia
Bacskai, Sándor
Badran, Sammy Zeyad
Bagley, Kathleen
Baguley, David
Bahramitash, Roksana
Baigell, Matthew
Bak, Samuel
Balaban, John
Balas, Egon
Balk, Alfred
Bandeira, Manuel
Banuazizi, Ali
Baranda, María
Barbosa, Gustavo
Barbour, Hugh
Barck, Jr, Oscar T.
Bardenwerper, Thomas
Barkun, Michael
Barletta, Destiny M.
Barlow, Jane A.
Barnes, Donna R.
Barnes, Erica
Barnett, Michael
Barney, Robert
Barnstone, Aliki
Barnstone, Tony
Barnstone, Willis
Barolini, Helen
Barros, Maureen Hubbard
Barr Ebest, Sally
Bar-Yosef, Hamutal
Basch-Harod, Heidi
Bassiouney, Reem
Basu, Amrita
Batchelor, Martine
Bauer, Heike
Bauland, Peter
Baumel, Judith
Bayat, Mangol
Bean, Philip A.
Beard, Michael
Beatty, Aidan
Beckerman, Miriam
Beckett, Samuel
Beecher, Donald A.
Beekman, Scott
Beers Fägersten, Kristy
Begnal, Michael
Begnal, Michael S.
Behbahani, Simin
Behdad, Sohrab
Bejarano, Margalit
Belanger, Kelly
Bell, David
Bender, Abby
Bengio, Ofra
Bennett, Bridget
Bennett, Irish
Bennett, Scott
Benson, Jim
Benstock, Bernard
Benti, Diann
Benton-Short, Lisa
Ben-Dov, Nitza
Ben-Dror, Avishai
Ben-Moshe, Liat
Ben-Porat, Guy
Berdeshevsky, Margo
Berdichevsky, Mikhah Yosef
Berfield, Rick L.
Bergel, Alice R.
Bergel, Kurt
Berger, Alan
Berger, Naomi
Bergmann, Frank
Bergman, David
Berg, Stephen
Bermingham Scully, Pauline
Berrada, Muhamed
Berry, Damon T.
Berry, Peter E.
Bessette, Alan
Bessette, Arleen
Bewick, Pauline
Beydoun, Abbas
Bezanson, Thomas
Bhraonáin, Donla
Bianculli, David
Biemann, Asher D.
Billig, Michael
Binchy, Maeve
Binnie, Jon
Bin Shatwan, Najwa
Birmingham, Stephen
Bishop, Donald G.
Bishop, Louise M.
Bixby, Patrick
Blair, David
Blessing, Richard
Bloch, Ariel
Bloch, Ben
Bloch, Chana
Boeninger, Stephanie Pocock
Bogdan, Robert
Boland, Gerry
Bonakdarian, Mansour
Bond, David J.
Bond, Hallie
Bonn, Robert L.
Booker, M. Keith
Booth, Marilyn
Boroujerdi, Mehrzad
Boskin, Joseph
Botman, Selma
Boulding, Elise
Boullata, Issa
Bourke, Eoin
Bouvard, Marguerite
Bowden, Muriel
Bowland, S. Y.
Bowles, Gordon T.
Bowman, Conor
Boyce, Niamh
Boyers, Peggy
Boyers, Robert
Boyle, Maureen
Bozarslan, Hamit
Brabazon, James
Bradley, Arthur
Bradley, Finbarr
Brandt, Nat
Brandt, Nathan
Brand, Gila
Breger, Marshall
Brenan, Dan
Brennan, Deirdre
Brenner, Naomi
Brett, Arlene
Brewer, Priscilla
Brian, Denis
Brison, Karen J.
Brivic, Sheldon
Brock, Peter
Brody, Jules
Broersma, Marcel
Bronner, Simon
Brooke, Robert E.
Brooks, Richard
Brophy, Holly Elisabeth
Browers, Michaelle L.
Brownson, Elizabeth
Brown, Stuart Gerry
Bruce, Gregory Maxwell
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs
Bruna, Giulia
Bruskin, Grisha
Buber, Martin
Buchelt, Lisabeth C.
Buckley, Christopher
Buehler, Matt
Büke Okyar, Ilkim
Bukiet, Melvin
Bundgaard, Axel
Burg, Diana
Burich, Keith R.
Burke, Mary
Burnetts, Charles
Burroughs, John
Burstein, Pesach'ke
Burton, Rick
Bustani, Hisham
Butenschon, Nils A.
Butler, David
Buttenwieser, Ann L.
Butterfield, B. G.
Byers, Jeannette Q.
Byrne, Angela
Byrne, Malcolm
Cabeen, David
Cabet, Etienne
Caesar, Judith
Cahalan, James M.
Cainkar, Louise
Cairns, Ed
Caistor, Nick
Calabresi, Guido
Callaghan, Mary Rose
Callanan, Frank
Calvert, John
Cameron, Esther
Campbell, Madeline Otis
Campbell, Siobhan
Campisi, Jack
Cannizzo, Jeanne
Capasso, Matteo
Caplan, Neil
Carden, Maren
Carleton-Paget, James
Carmer, Carl
Carr, Ruth
Cartmill, Deirdre
Cartwright, Marla
Casey, Daniel
Casey, Eileen
Casey, Linda M.
Casey, Marion
Casey, Timothy J.
Case, Josephine
Cassian, Nina
Castleman, Harry
Castle, Gregory
Çayli, Eray
Çaylı, Eray
Celan, Paul
Cellio-Miller, Jen
Cernyak-Spatz, Susan E.
Chahinian, Talar
Chambers, John
Champlin, Charles
Chancellor, James D.
Chapman, Patrick
Chapman, Valerie
Chapman, Valerie A.
Chapman, William
Chapson, Jim
Charite, Raymond
Charmatz, Konrad
Chatfield, Charles
Chatterley, Catherine D.
Chaver, Yael
Chayat, Sherry
Chazanof, William
Chehade, Therese
Chenard, Susan
Cherciu, Lucia
Chessher, Melissa
Chevannes, Barry
Chmielewski, Wendy
Chonchúir, Nuala
Choucri, Nazli
Christoph, Florence
Christoph, Peter
Chughtai, Ismat
Ciavolella, Massimo
Cicchelli, Terry
Cieraad, Irene
Claeys, Gregory
Clarke, I. F.
Clarke, Jane
Clark, Christopher
Clark, Gilbert A.
Cliff, Brian
Clune, Henry W.
Cochrane, Hortence S.
Cochran, Tanya
Codman, Ogden
Codrescu, Andrei
Coe, Erin Budis
Coffey, Fiona Coleman
Cohen, Marc
Cohen, Mark
Cohen, Sarah
Colaresi, Michael P.
Coleman, James S.
Coleman, Marc
Coleman, Philip
Coley, David K.
Cole, Peter
Cole, Susan
Collado-Schwarz, Angel
Collier, David R.
Collins, Martha
Collins, Michael
Coll, Mary
Colomé, Pura López
Columbu, Alessandro
Colvin, Ruth
Conghaile, Micheál Ó
Conklin, Henry
Conner, Lester I.
Connolly, Linda
Connors, Dennis
Conrad, Kathryn
Considine, Michael
Constable, Charlene
Cooke, Miriam
Cook, David
Cook, Philip L.
Cooney, John
Cooperman, Bernard Dov
Cooperson, Michael
Cooper, Pamela
Cooper, Susan
Coplin, William D.
Corcoran, Mary P.
Corporaal, Marguérite
Cory, Rebecca C.
Costa Capallera, Mireia
Costa, Richard Hauer
Costello-Sullivan, Kathleen
Cote, Wilfred
Cotterman, William Woods
Cotter, Patrick
Count, Earl W.
Courtney, Brandon
Court, Franklin
Covert, Catherine
Cox, Donald D.
Cox, Kevin R.
Coyne-DeGhett, Stephanie
Creevey, Lucy
Cronin, Gloria L.
Crossley, Robert
Crouthamel, James
Cruickshank, William M.
Cuddington, Natasha
Cullen, Emily
Cullen, Francie
Cullen, Mary
Cullingford, Elizabeth
Cummings, Ora
Cummins, Bríd
Cuno, Kenneth M.
Curtin, Geraldine
Cusack, Tricia
Dabilis, Andy
Dahlgren, Susanne
Daichman, Graciela
Dallal, Shaw J.
Daly, Mary
Daneshvar, Simin
Daniel, Douglass
Danisman, Hasan
Dapping, William Osborne
Darby, John
Darwish, Mahmoud
Davidson, H
Davidson, Scooter
David, Esther
Davison, Andrew
Davison, Jane
Davis, Dick
Davis, Lawrence C.
Davis, Mark
Davis, Uri
Dawe, Gerald
Dean, Joan FitzPatrick
DeBenedetti, Charles
Decker, William Merrill
DeGiacomo, Albert
Deimling, Barbara
Deitz, Paula
Dekmejian, R. Hrair
Delap, Mick
DeLong-Bas, Natana J.
Deming, Philander
Densmore, Christopher
Dent, Tory
Deppe, Annie
Deppe, Theodore
Der-Hovanessian, Diana
Desai, Manisha
Desnos, Robert
DeSouza, Wendy
deTar, Matthew
Devaney, Peri
Devlin, Anne
Devlin, Martina
Dewey, Susan
DeYoung, Terri
de Faoite, Diarmuid
De Regt, Marina
de Ségur, Comtesse
Dial, Adolph L.
Diamond, Dorothy B.
Diamond, Larry
Diamond, Pam
Diamond, Walter H.
Dietrich, Donald
Diffrient, David
Dilks, Stephen
Dine, Carol
Dixon, Laurinda A.
Di Carlo, Louise M.
Djata, Sundiata
Doan, James
Dobkowski, Michael
Docherty, Jayne
Doell, M. Christine Klim
Dolin, Sharon
Dollenmayer, David
Dolmage, Jay Timothy
Donawerth, Jane
Donawerth, Jane L.
Doneson, Judith
Donnelly, Neil
Donovan, Katie
Douglas, Mary
Dove, Linda L.
Doyle, Michael
Doyle, Roddy
Dreiser, Theodore
Drennan, Susan
Drucker, Johanna
Druger, Marvin
Ducre, K. Amimahaum
Duddy, Tom
Dulberger, Judith A.
Dunar, Andrew J.
Dunaway, Dail
Dunham, Valgene
Duni, Matteo
Dunne, Catherine
Dunning, William V.
Düttman, Alexander García
Dwyer, Carol
Dyar, Martin
Dyer, Dave
Dyer, Richard
Dziedzic, Eugene E.
D'imperio, Chuck
Eakin, David B.
Early, Frances
Eberle, Scott
Ebileeni, Maurice
Ebrahimi, Mehraneh
Edmonds, Gerald S.
Edmonds, Walter D.
Efendi, Ahmet Mithat
Ehrlich, David
Eisenberg, Ann
Eisenberg, Ellen
Eisenstadt, Peter
Eithne Ní
Elberg, Yehuda
Eliades, David
Elinson, Alexander E.
Ellerby, Janet
Elmaliach, Tal
Elm, Mostafa
Elsadda, Hoda
Elwin, Malcolm
El-Dessouky, Assem
El-Husseini, Rola
El-Rayyes, Thoraya
El-Sa'id, Rifa'at
El-Solh, Camillia
El-Zein, Amira
Emerson, Jason
Emmet, Clemency
Engelbrecht, William
Engels, Vincent
English, Bridget
Englot, Peter
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus
Eray, Nazli
Erickson, Jon D.
Erlich, Josef
Ernst, Robert
Esfahani, Hadi
Esposito, John
Estraikh, Gennady
Evans, William
Everest, Allan S.
Everitt, David
Evrard, Amy Young
Fahey, Joseph
Faik, Sait
Fairley, Ian
Fairweather-Vega, Shelley
Fallenberg, Evan
Farah, Caesar E.
Fares, Nicole
Farkas, Donka
Farrelly, Tanya
Farrell, Jennifer
Farrell, Sean
Farria, Dewaine
Farrin, Raymond
Farzaneh, Mateo Mohammad
Faull, Katherine M.
Faur, José
Fay, Mary Ann
Featherstone, Patricia H.
Fee, Matthew J.
Feingold, Henry
Feinstein, Elaine
Feinstein, Sascha
Feinstein, Stephen C.
Feldbaum, Mia
Felt, Jeremy P.
Fendius Elman, Miriam
Fénelon, Fania
Fenton, William N.
Fernández Lorenzo, Patricia
Fernández, José Francisco
Ferrand, Jacques
Ferri, Beth
Fewell, Danna Nolan
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena
Findly, Ellison
Finer, Abby
Fine, Todd
Finkelstein, Joseph
Finkin, Jordan
Fink, Carole
Finnan, Joseph P.
Finn, Robert
Firan, Carmen
Firat, Alexa
Fischer, Clara
Fischer, David W.
Fishbane, Eitan
Fisher, Ronald J.
Fitchen, John
Fitzmaurice, Gabriel
Fitz-Simons, Christopher
Flanagan, Christopher
Flannery, Eóin
Fleck, Richard
Flexner, James
Floor, Willem
Fogarty, Robert S.
Foley, Catherine
Fontaine, André
Forrester, Lesley
Forsyth, Allan
Fortuny, Kim
Foster, Carrie A.
Foster, Jeanne Robert
Foster, John
Foster, Lawrence
Foster, Rebecca
Foyle, Órfhlaith
Fragos, Emily
Fraihat, Ibrahim
Frakes, Jerold
Frankfurter, Bernhard
Frankfuter, Bernhard
Frank, Jacob
Frawley, Oona
Freedman, Robert
Fréine, Celia
Frieden, Ken
Friedl, Erika
Friedman, Alan W.
Friedman, Brandon
Friedman, John Block
Friedman, Maurice
Friedman, Miriam Kalman
Friel, Judy
Frohne, Andrea E.
Frye, Joanne S.
Fry, Michael G.
Fuller, John
Fumarola, Mario
Furman, Andrew
Fu, Hau
F. Keith, Herbert
Gado, Frank
Gallachóir, Pádraig Ó
Gallagher, Nancy
Gallagher, Peggie
Gallagher, Sally K.
Galli, Barbara E.
Galpin, W. Freeman
Ganin, Zvi
Gann, Myra
Ganor, Helena
Gansworth, Eric
Ganter, Granville
Ganze, Alison
Gardella, Lorrie
Gardinier, Suzanne
Garritty, Sean
Garrity, Richard
Gasiorowski, Mark J.
Geha, Joseph
Gehring, Charles
Gems, Gerald R.
Geniusz, Wendy Makoons
Gerber, David A.
Gerber, Merrill
Gerger, Helmut E.
Gershman, Norman H.
Gervers, Michael
Gesler, Wilbert M.
Ghanoonparvar, M. R.
Ghazoul, Ferial
Gibbons, Luke
Gibbs, Jules
Gibson, David
Gilborn, Alice Wolf
Gillborn, Craig
Gillespie, Diane
Gillespie, Michael
Gillespie, Susan H.
Gilligan, Shauna
Gilman, Ernest B.
Gilson, Estelle
Gilvin, Amanda
Gilyard, Keith
Ginsberg, Alan Robert
Ginsburg, Shai
Giritlioğlu, Buğra
Glatzer, Nahum N.
Glavin, Jr., William A.
Glenday, John
Glickman, Marty
Glick, Leonard
Gluck, Gemma La Guardia
Göçek, Fatma Müge
Godman, Stanley
Goering, Christian Z.
Goldberg, Ronald Allen
Golden, Joseph
Goldhawk, Norman P.
Goldman, Ralph M.
Goldner, Ellen J.
Goldstein, Robert Justin
Gold, Joseph
Gold, Judith
Golley, Nawar Al-Hassan
Gonzales, Laura
Goodman, Henry
Goodman, Joshua R.
Gordon, John
Gordon, Susan J.
Gorelick, Ted
Gorman, Brian W.
Gorney, Jeffrey
Gorovitz, Samuel
Gould, Jim
Gould, Peter
Gove, William
Gowrie, Grey
Graham, Jr., Frank
Granara, William
Grant, Richard
Gran, Peter
Graymont, Barbara
Gray, Jane
Greaney, Áine
Greenbaum, Andrea
Greene, John
Greenspan, Yardenne
Gregory, Pasqualina Rio
Gregory, Patrick
Grianna, Séamus Ó
Griffin, Michael
Griffiths, Rachel Eliza
Grossman, Julie
Grover, Kathryn
Grubgeld, Elizabeth
Grumberg, Karen
Grundman, Dolph
Guelke, Jeanne
Gullace, Giovanni
Gullans, Charles
Gullason, Thomas A.
Gurley, David Gantt
Haberstroh, Patricia
Haber, Leo
Habib, Rouba Saba
Hacker, Marilyn
Hacohen, Dvora
Hadari, Atar
Haddad, Qassim
Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck
Haeri, Shahla
Haft, Alan
Hagbi, Yaniv
Hague, Angela
Haines, Bryon
Haines, Chad
Haklai, Oded
Halaby, Laila
Haley, P
Halliday, Erin
Halls, Katharine
Hall, H. Gaston
Hall, Wayne E.
Halman, Talat S.
Hamal Gurung
Hamal Gurung, Shobha
Hamdar, Abir
Hameed, Syeda S.
Hamid, Sadek
Hammial, Philip
Hamzeh, Ahmad
Handy, Amber
Hanna, Adam
Hanna, Nelly
Haque, Danielle
Harap, Louis
Harbison, Peter
Hardin, Evamaria
Hare, Bruce
Harley, Gail M.
Harrington, John
Harris, David
Harris, Duriel E.
Harris, Jean
Harris, Miriam Kalman
Harsent, David
Hartman, Michelle
Hart, Greg
Hart, Henry
Hart-Green, Sharon
Hasak-Lowy, Todd
Hassan, Waïl S.
Hassassian, Manuel
Hasso, Frances S.
Hastings, Tim
Hatfield, Mary
Hatfield, Rab
Hatina, Meir
Hauptman, Laurence M.
Haven, Stephen
Havlioglu, Didem
Haxton, Brooks
Haydar, Adnan
Hayes, Alan
Hazo, Samuel
Headrick, Charlotte
Head, Lesley
Hecht, Roger W.
Heflin, Ruth J.
Heibach, Jens
Heil, Douglas
Henderson-Holmes, Safiya
Hennigan, Robert
Henry, Aideen
Henry, Rick
Herbert, Phyl
Herer, Gilbert R.
Hernández, Miguel
Herrick, James
Herr, Cheryl
Hershberger, Mary
Hertzberg, Hazel
Hertz, Deborah
Heussler, Robert
Hever, Hannan
Hewitt, Mark
Hickey, Dennis
Hickman, Bill
Higby, Wayne
Higgins, F. R.
Higgins, Patricia J.
Hillan, Sophia
Hillman, Jason
Himelstein, Shmuel
Himmich, Bensalem
Hindus, Milton
Hinman, Suzanne
Hinnebusch, Raymond
Hinton, Mary
Hirsch, Sanford
Hislop, Codman
Hobsbaum, Philip
Hochschild, Adam
Hoffmann, Sophia
Hoffmann, Stanley
Hoffman, Stefani
Hoffman, Valerie J.
Hoffman, Warren
Hohenberg, John
Holdridge, Jefferson
Holfter, Gisela
Hollander, Jean
Holler, Clyde
Holliday, Ruth
Holliday, Thomas
Hollywood, Peter
Holmesland, Oddvar
Holmes, Virginia Iris
Honig, Alice S.
Honig, Edwin
Hood, Mary A.
Hooglund, Eric
Hoover, William D.
Horn, Bernard
Horrell, Jeffrey L.
Hotaling, Ed
Howard, Douglas L.
Howard, H
Howes, Marjorie
Huber, Gregory D.
Hudson, James J.
Huff, Steven
Hultkrantz, Åke
Hussein, Hadiya
Hutchins, William Maynard
Hutchins, William M.
Hyder, Clyde
Hyland, Peter B.
Hynd, George W.
Jabra, Jabra Ibrahim
Jackson, Harry
Jackson, Nicholas
Jackson, Ronald L.
Jackson, Thomas H.
Jacobson, Abigail
Jacobs, Jack
Jacobs, John
Jad, Islah
Jamal, Amaney
Jamal, Amina
James, Henry
James, Preston E.
Jamieson, Paul
Jarmakani, Amira
Javadi, Hasan
Jayne, Benjamin A.
Jeffares, A. Norman
Jeha, Shafik
Jelen, Sheila
Jellison, Charles A.
Jenkinson, Rosemary
Jenkins, Alan
Jenkins, Jerry
Jennings, Francis
Jensen, Kim
Jewell, Nasrin
Jinbashian, Ishkhan
Jishi, Zahra
Johnson, Amy J.
Johnson, Vicki M.
Johnston, Dillon
Johnston, Maria
Johns, Jeannie
Jolliffe, David A.
Jonas, Manfred
Jones Oldham, Krista
Jones, Alice Ilgenfritz
Jones, Clarence F.
Jones, Louis C.
Jones, Melanie
Jordan, Richard Lawrence
Joseph, John
Joseph, Richard J.
Joseph, Suad
Joyce, Ian
Joyce, James
Joyce, James Martin
Jr., Frederick
Judge, Edward H.
Jwaideh, Wadie
Kabha, Mustafa
Kafai, Shayda
Kaiser, Linda Pembroke
Kaldas, Pauline
Kalib, Sholom
Kallay, Alicia Currier
Kamrava, Mehran
Kanaaneh, Abed T.
Kandivoti, Deniz
Kandiyoti, Deniz
Kanovich, Grigory
Kanter, Arlene
Kaplan, Beth
Kaplan, Jeffrey
Kaplan, Johanna
Karlinsky, Nahum
Karl, Frederick R.
Karpilove, Miriam
Karpinowitz, Abraham
Kashani-Sabet, Firoozeh
Kassam, Tazim R.
Kastner, Charles B.
Katchen, Alan S.
Katz, Elena M.
Katz, Jacob
Katz, Steven T.
Kauffmann, Stanley
Kaufman, Matthew J.
Kaufman, William
Kavanagh, Jim
Kazin, Alfred
Kearney, Eileen
Kearney, Miceál
Kearney, Richard
Kearns, Robin A.
Keats, John
Keenan, Terrance
Keim, Norman O.
Keller, Jane Eblen
Kelley, Paul B.
Kells, Michelle Hall
Kelly, Maeve
Kelly, Rita
Kelsay, Isabel Thompson
Kelsey, Penelope Myrtle
Kennedy, Kathleen
Kennedy, Maura
Kennedy, Samuel V.
Kennelly, James J.
Kenner, Hugh
Kenney, Alice P.
Kent, Eliza F.
Kent, Stephen
Kerber, Jordan E.
Kern, Karen M.
Kern, Louis
Kerouac, Jack
Kerr, Ann Zwicker
Kessler, Carol Farley
Kesten, Seymour R.
Ketchum, Jr., William C.
Kew, Darren
Keyes, Marian Thérèse
Khater, Akram Fouad
Khater, Akram Found
Khayyat, Yasmine
Khazaal, Natalie
Kheirabadi, Masoud
Khorasani, Noushin
Khouri, Fred J.
Khuri, Richard
Kidron, Peretz
Kilito, Abdelfattah
Kilpatrick, Alan
Kimambo, Niwaeli
Kimball, Richard Ian
Kingson, Eric R.
King, Jason
Kinzie, Mary
Kirby, Donald J.
Kirk, Roger
Kirst, Sean
Kirzane, Jessica
Kissane, Noel
Klee-Hartzell, Marlyn
Kleidman, Robert
Kliebhan, Joanne Marie
Klingenstein, Susanne
Kneeland, Timothy W.
Knight, Denise D.
Knight, Henry F.
Knight, Susan
Kocher, Ruth Ellen
Koch, Natalie
Koerber, Jeffrey
Koles, Jeanne V.
Kolmerten, Carol
Komaromi, Ann
Kong, Lily
Konkle, Amanda
Konvitz, Milton R.
Kosharovsky, Yuli
Kotzin, Daniel P.
Koudia, Jilali
Kouloub, Out el
Koury, Ronald
Kousha, Mahnaz
Kozma, Liat
Kraczyna, Swietlan
Kramer, Aaron
Kramer, Martin
Kranzler, David
Krathwohl, David
Kreilkamp, Vera
Kremenyuk, Victor A.
Kriesberg, Louis
Krisher, Trudy
Krüger, Michael
Kruse, Jutta
Kudelka, Matthew
Kudryavitsky, Anatoly
Kulik, William
Kulski, Wladyslaw
Kunitz, Stanley
Kurtz, Lester R.
Kutsher, Ber
Ladin, Jay
Ladin, Joy
Ladisch, Virginie
Ladjevardi, Habib
Laidlaw, G. Norman
Lally, J
Lambert, Leo
Lanctot, Neil
Landry, Judith
Landry, Stan M.
Lane, Mary E. Bradley
Langer, Lawrence L.
Lang, Berel
Lasker-Schüler, Else
Lavery, David
Layton, Jonathan
La Moy, William T.
La Vere, David
Leahy, Ann
Leatherman, Janie
Lederach, John
Lederhendler, Eli
Lederman, Sylvia
Leeder, Karen
Leerssen, Joep
Lee, Elizabeth B.
Lee, John K.
Lee, Martha F.
Leger, Alexis
Lemke, Antje Bultmann
Lennon, Joseph
Leonard, Garry M.
Leone, Angela Tehaan
Leone, Matthew
Leopold, Donald
Lesh, Charles N.
Lesser, Rika
Levenback, Karen L.
Levenson, Leah
Levering, Miriam L.
Levering, Ralph B.
Leviant, Curt
Levitt, Morton P.
Levi, Melih
Levy, Avigdor
Levy, Eric P.
Levy, H. Richard
Levy, Yael
Lewiecki-Wilson, Cynthia
Lewisohn, Ludwig
Lewis, Mark
Le Fanu, Joseph
Liberti, Rita
Liddy, James
Liebelt, Claudia
Lieberman, Laurence
Lieberman, Robbie
Lightman, Sarah
Lindaman, Matthew
Lindio-McGovern, Ligaya
Lines, Joe
Littleton, Cynthia
Litvak, Meir
Lloyd, David
Lloyd, Earl
Lockard, Joe
Lockwood, George
Loeb, Harold
Lofland, John
Loguen, J. W.
Loizeaux, Elizabeth Bergmann
Loizeaux, William
Lomax, Michael E.
Londraville, Janis
Londraville, Richard
Longhi, Roberto
Longhurst, Robyn
Longworth, Jr., James L. Longworth,
Long, Andrew
Long, Michael G.
Loomis, Craig
Lorca, Federico García
Lorcin, Patricia M. E.
Lourie, Peter
Love, W. Deloss
Lowe-Evans, Mary
Lucht, Tracy
Luddy, Maria
Luibhéid, Colm
Lukacs, Yehuda
Lutwack, Leonard
Lutz, Ellen L.
Lu’lu’a, Abdulwahid
Lynch-Brennan, Margaret
Lyons, Arline
Maaga, Mary
Mabee, Carleton
Machen, Emily
Mackellar, Landis
MacKillop, James
Mack, Cheryl
MacMahon, Bryan
Mac Amhlaigh, Liam
Mac a' Bháird
Mac a' Bháird, Séamus
Mac Congáil
Mac Congáil, Nollaig
Mac Curtain, Margaret
Mac Mathúna, Seán
Mac Murchaidh, Ciaran
Mac Risteaird, Sean
Maddy-Weitzman, Bruce
Mahaffey, Vicki
Mahapatra, Debidatta Aurobinda
Mahdavi, Mojtaba
Mahdi, Waleed F.
Mahmoud, Mohamed A.
Mahon, Joseph
Maiorana, Sal
Maitland, Sara
Makari, Peter E.
Makhzangi, Mohamed
Maksudyan, Nazan
Makuck, Peter
Malka, Eli
Mallory, William E.
Malo, Paul
Malroux, Claire
Malt, Carol
Mandelaro, Jim
Mandelbaum, Allen
Mandour, Sahar
Manea, Norman
Mangino, Mary Ellen
Mangione, Jerre
Manley, Atwood
Mannion, Elizabeth
Manoukian, Jennifer
Manvill, P. D.
Marchessault, R. H.
Marchi, Lisa
Marcus, David
Marcus, Gerald
Marcus, Peter
Marcus, Phillip L.
Marc, David
Mardin, Serif
Marinaj, Gjekë
Mariscotti, Cathlyn
Marmer, Jake
Marshall, John
Marsh, Peter
Marsh, Richard
Martin, Craig
Martin, Roscoe C.
Martory, Pierre
Martyn, James
Martyn, Scott
Marxsen, Patti M.
Mar'i, Sami Khalil
Maske, Andrew
Masliyah, Sadok
Masmoudi, Ikram
Mason, Jr., Lawrence Mason,
Masry, Ferial
Masson, Cynthea
Mathieu, Joan
Mattawa, Khaled
Mattern, Tess
Matthews, J. H.
Mayer, Larry
Mazzoleni, Ilaria
McAuliffe, Mary
McBrannan, Niamh
McCaffrey, Joseph P.
McCaffrey, Lawrence
McCarthy, Tara M.
McClatchy, J. D.
McClung, Laren
McClure, Shirley
McCoole, Sinéad
McCullough, Laura
McDonagh, Philip
McDonagh, Terry
McDonald, Mamo
McDonaugh, John
McGahern, John
McGlinchey, Charles
McGlynn, Mary M.
McGonagle, Ríona
McGrath, F
McGrath, Robert L.
McGuckian, John
McGuckian, Medbh
McInnes, Mary Drach
McKechnie, Vivienne
McKelvey, Blake
McLaughlin, Carrie
McMahon, Patrice C.
McMahon, Timothy G.
McManus, Edgar J.
McManus, Liz
McManus, Maria
McMartin, Barbara
McMonagle, Alan
Meagher, Máire
Medbh, Máighréad
Meghnagi, David
Meguid, Ibrahim
Mehta, Brinda
Meir, Jonatan
Mejer, Valerie
Melamed, Sr., Steven E. G. Melamed,
Melhem, D
Melia, Patrick
Meltzer, Milton
Memmi, Albert
Mendes-Flohr, Paul
Menin, Laura
Meranze, Michael
Merchant, Ella
Merhavy, Menahem
Merriman, Brian
Mersal, Iman
Meskoob, Shahrokh
Messier, Vartan P.
Meyers, Andrew
Meyers, Lawrence
Meyer, Marvin
Meylan, B. A.
Micheál Ó
Micheaux, Dante
Middleton, Christopher
Milani, Abbas
Milani, Farzaneh
Milbouer, Penny
Miller, Francine
Miller, Greg
Miller, Hope
Miller, Jr., James E.
Miller, Marc
Miller, Orson
Miller, Rhena
Miller, Timothy
Mills, Geraldine
Mills, Lia
Minckler, Leon S.
Mines, Rachel
Mingus, Matthew D.
Mintz, Alan L.
Mintz, Helen
Miron, Dan
Mirsepassi, Ali
Mirsky, Mark
Mishal, Shaul
Mitchell, Geraldine
Mitchell, Roger
Mix, Mrs. Edward
Moallem, Minoo
Modarressi, Taghi
Moffitt, Kimberly R.
Moger, Elizabeth H.
Moghadam, Valentine
Mohamed, Said Ahmed
Mohsen, Amer
Mojtabai, A. G.
Möller, Frank
Molodowsky, Kadya
Moloney, Caitriona
Monmonier, Mark
Montague, John
Montero, M. Kristina
Monti, Julia A.
Moody, Joseph N.
Moore, Daniel Abdal-hayy
Moore, Howard W.
Moore, Robin
Moosa, Matti
Morgan, H. Wayne
Morgan, Luke
Morin, Karen M.
Morreale, Joanne
Morris, Daniel
Morris, Lloyd
Morse, William
Morton, Wendy S.
Mosbahi, Hassouna
Moscow, Henry
Moser, Lynn
Moslem, Mehdi
Moss, Howard
Moss, Pamela
Moss, Stanley
Mottahedah, Negar
Moynihan, Sinéad
Mudan Finn, Kavita
Muir, Edward
Mullarney, Maire
Mundy, Jacob
Murphy, Maureen O'Rourke
Murphy, William
Murphy, Zoeanne
Murray, Christopher
Murray, K. Sarah-Jane
Murray, William H. H.
Murtagh, Gina
Mustafa, Shakir
Myers, Garth Andrew
Myers, Jr., James P.
Myers, Linda James
Naber, Nadine
Nadia Clare
Naggar, Carole
Najmabadi, Afsaneh
Nakhimovsky, Alice
Nakimovsky, Alice
Nance, Susan
Nanko, Hiroki
Naqqash, Samir
Naqvi, Tahira
Nash, Catherine
Nasrallah, Caline
Nasr, Ghassan
Nasr, Hassan
Natali, Denise
Natkovich, Svetlana
Natterstad, Jerry H.
Navarro-Genie, Marco Aurelio
Ndura, Elavie
Neill, William J.
Nelson, Jonathan K.
Nelson, Karen
Nelson, Michael
Nelson, W. Dale
Neuberger, Benyamin
Neufeld, G. Ronald
Neugeboren, Jay
Neugroschel, Joachim
Nevo, Ruth
Newby, Vanessa F.
Newmann, Joan
Newmann, Kate
Newman, Conor
Newton, Cathryn R.
Nichanian, Marc
Nicholas, Darrel D.
Nichols, Deborah
Nicolson, Marjorie
Nic Aodha, Colette
Nic Congail, Riona
Nielsen, EJ
Nijman, Jan
Ní Cheallaigh, Úna
Ní Chinnéide, Dairena
Ní Dhuibhne, Éilís
Ní Ghallchobhair
Ní Ghallchobhair, Eithne Ní
Ní Ghallchóir
Ní Ghallchóir, Colette
Ní Mhuircheartaigh, Eadaoin
Noble, Frances
Noble, Kerry
Nohilly, Margaret
Nolan, Emer
Nolan, Helena
Nolden, Thomas
Nomani, Farhad
Northrup, Terrell A.
Novak, Jr., Frank G.
Noyes, George Wallingford
Numani, Shibli
Nunley, Richard
Nusairi, Osman
Nwosu, Maik
Nystrom, Debra