Covering a range of critical subjects, the essays in Jerusalem: A City and Its Future address practical issues of concern and offer possible solutions for peace in Jerusalem. The perspectives are unique and many have never been published for a wider audience. Contributors consider aspects of the “politics of religion”—an issue rarely explored objectively in existing literature—as well as issues of law and politics, law and religion, the Temple
Mount, and law and governance.
Table of Contents
PART ONE: Issues of Law and Politics
1. Jerusalem in Our Time: Past, Present, and Future, Maya Choshen
2. Jerusalem: Some Legal Aspects, Ruth Lapidoth
3. The Future Settlement of the Dispute over Jerusalem: Strategical and Institutional Aspects, Moshe Hirsch
4. Jerusalem and the U.S. Congress, Geoffrey R. Watson
5. Rule and Role in Jerusalem: Israel, Jordan, and the PLO in a Peace-Building Process, Menachem Klein
6. The Role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in a Future: Permanent-Status Settlement in Jerusalem Legal, Political, and Practical Aspects, Reuven Merhav and Rotem M. Giladi
PART TWO: Issues of Law and Religion
7. The Religious Significance of Jerusalem in the Middle East Peace Process: Some Legal Implications, Silvio Ferrari
8. Haredim and Palestinians in Jerusalem, Menachem Friedman
9. A New Status for Jerusalem?: An Eastern Orthodox Vieupoint, Charalambos K. Papastathis
PART THREE: The Temple Mount
10. Jewish-Muslim Modus Vivendi at the Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Sharif Since 1967, Yitzhak Reiter
11. Delicate Balances at the Temple Mount, 1967-1999, Amnon Ramon
PART FOUR: Issues of Governance
12. The Municipal Organization of the Jerusalem Metropolitan Area: Conceptual Alternatives, Shlomo Hasson
13. Jerusalem Economy and the Peace Process, Abraham (Rami) Friedman
14. Environmental Issues in the Jerusalem Metropolitan Area, Qasem Abdul-Jaber and Deborah E. Mir
15. Living Together and Apart in Jerusalem: Lessons Learned, Bill Hutman and Amir Cheshin
About the Author
Marshall J. Breger is professor of law at the Columbus School of Law, Catholic University of America. He is also an adjunct fellow for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a regular contributor to Moment magazine, and coauthor of Jerusalem's Holy Places and the Peace Process.
Ora Ahimeir is director of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies. Her most recent book is One Hundred Years of Cultural Creativity in Eretz Israel.
6 x 9, 516 pages, 10 maps
June 2002