This handsome manual offers an architectural overview of the Syracuse University campus. Intended for prospective students, faculty, alumni, and visitors, it shows how the campus evolved in response to the changing character of the academic community and urban environs. It also gives an inside look at the university’s most engaging structuresfrom the stately Hall of Languages (1871) to Crouse College (1889) to the landmark Carrier Dome stadium (1980), and more.
Here are the chancellors and architects, benefactors and builders whose vision and grit helped turn dreams into brick-and-lime. Here, too, are the grand plans and false starts, external events, and policy choices that transformed a small, bucolic nineteenth-century school into the architecturally and culturally complex campus that is Syracuse University today. Richly illustrated and compellingly written, this is a crucial companion for anyone interested in exploring the architectural heritage of Syracuse University.
About the Author
Jeffrey Gorney is a writer and photographer in Syracuse. His articles and photos on historic preservation have appeared in the Syracuse Post-Standard, Renewing Syracuse, FOCUS Greater Syracuse, and in materials for Downtown and neighborhood associations.
June 2006