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Celebrating over twenty-five years of groundbreaking scholarship, this series offers a wide variety of volumes about American television and popular culture, including updated classics like the widely course-adopted Watching TV. Topics examine individual shows, specific genres, creators and producers, and the history and evolution of the medium. Books have won honors such as the Popular Culture Association Board of Governors Award and the Theatre Historical Society of America’s Outstanding Book of the Year Award.

Since its founding, the series has expanded its field of interest to include more aspects of American popular culture and mass entertainment such as vaudeville, comics, movies, and radio broadcasting. We welcome proposals addressing all issues in television and popular culture, including the impacts of Netflix, Amazon, web streaming and web series, commercials (or the lack thereof), and graphic novels.

Cover for the book: Black Male Frames

Black Male FramesAfrican Americans in a Century of Hollywood Cinema, 1903-2003

Cover for the book: Screwball Television

Screwball TelevisionCritical Perspectives on Gilmore Girls

Cover for the book: Bigger than Ben-Hur

Bigger than Ben-HurThe Book, Its Adaptations, and Their Audiences

Cover for the book: Watching TV

Watching TVEight Decades of American Television, Third Edition

Cover for the book: Reading Joss Whedon

Reading Joss Whedon

Cover for the book: Our Movie Houses

Our Movie HousesA History of Film and Cinematic Innovation in Central New York

Cover for the book: You Can’t Air That

You Can't Air ThatFour Cases of Controversy and Censorship in American Television Programming