Syracuse University Press is celebrating Women’s History Month throughout March acknowledging our many series that advance women’s studies, as well as having a sale on our women’s studies titles. Take a look at the breadth of our list in the series here.

Fatema Mernissi for Our Times, edited by Minoo Moallem and Paola Bacchetta, pays tribute to the late Fatema Mernissi, a pioneering feminist sociologist and writer whose work profoundly influenced feminist and civic activism in Muslim and Arab societies and beyond. The book brings together pressing issues of women, gender, and sexuality in Muslim and Arab countries and their diasporas, engaging in a dynamic dialogue with Mernissi’s work.

Robert Pruter’s Modern Women and Sports in Interwar Chicago; 1918–1941, examines how the Windy City became home to advancements in women’s track and field, swimming, basketball, golf, speed skating, and softball. As a work of sport and urban history, Pruter’s text situates the vibrant world of women’s athletics within the context of interwar Chicago’s new infrastructure and support from its religious and cultural institutions, newspapers, and industrial and retail firms.

Salt Journals: Tunisian Women on Political Imprisonment is a compelling collection of essays by Tunisian women, sharing their personal experiences with dictatorship and oppression. While rooted in the history and culture of Tunisia, these narratives reflect universal feelings of isolation, pain, and the indomitable quest for freedom. Drawn from a variety of different professions, including a lawyer, an engineer, a nurse, a student, and a city council member, among others, these women are contesting the culture of silence surrounding women’s prison narratives.

Issues of sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa have served as a lightning rod for international discussions surrounding the treatment of those who identify as LGBTQ+, sexual and reproductive health, and the prevention of sexual violence. While a growing body of scholarship and internal advocacy groups have brought more open dialogue within and about the MENA region, Sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa: Contemporary Issues and Challenges builds on the small but growing literature on sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa by providing critical insights and academic analysis into a broad range of complex and controversial issues.