"Castleman and Podrazik have put together a well-researched, tightly written documentary on the development of the television industry and the individuals involved."—Publishers Weekly
"The authors have meticulously documented an in-depth survey of the entire world of TV trends and programming from the industry’s beginnings, presenting along the way some very judicious critical analyses."—Library Journal
"An honest but affectionate chronicle that never loses sight of the more serious side of television while, thankfully, not taking itself too seriously."—Atlanta Constitution
Castleman and Podrazik present a season-by-season narrative that encompasses the eras of American television from the beginning in broadcast, through cable, and now streaming. They deftly navigate the dizzying array of contemporary choices so that no matter where you start on the media timeline, Watching TV provides the context and background to this multi-billion-dollar enterprise. Drawing on decades of research, the authors weave together personalities, popular shows, corporate strategies, historical events, and changing technologies, enhancing the main commentary with additional elements that include fall prime time schedule grids for every season, date box timelines, highlighted key text, and selected photos.
Full of facts, firsts, insights, and exploits from now back to the earliest days, Watching TV is the standard chronology of American television, and reading it is akin to channel surfing through history. The fourth edition updates the story into the 2020s and looks ahead to the next waves of change. This new edition is the first to also be available in a digital format.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Three Stars in the East
1.The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise
2.Shadows in the Cave
3.The Dawn
4.1944-45 Season: We Want to Find Out First Where TV’s Goin’
5.1945-46 Season: After the Storm
6.1946-47 Season: TV Gets the Green Light
7.1947-48 Season: Vaudeville Is Back
8.1948-49 Season: The Freeze
9.1949-50 Season: Behind the Ion Curtain
10.1950-51 Season: What’s my Crime?
11.1951-52 Season: The Thaw
12.1952-53 Season: Grade-B TV
13.1953-54 Season: Point of Order
14.1954-55 Season: Showbiz in a Hurry
15.1955-56 Season: The Road to Reruns
16.1956-57 Season: It’s Been a Tremendous Strain
17.1957-58 Season: Oh, Dem Oaters
18.1958-59 Season: Dotto goes Blotto
19.1959-60 Season: Adventures in Syndication
20.1960-61 Season: The Vast Wasteland
21.1961-62 Season: I Still Have the Stench in My Nose
22.1962-63 Season: CBS + RFD = $$$
23.1963-64 Season: Hands Across the ocean
24.1964-65 Season: The Unloved Messenger
25.1965-66 Season: The Second Season
26.1966-67 Season: Same Is the Name of the Game
27.1967-68 Season: The Whole World Is Watching
28.1968-69 Season: The One Punch Season
29.1969-70 Season: Effete and Impudent Snobs
30.1970-71 Season: Totally Committed and Completely Involved
31.1971-72 Season: Not Just Another Pretty Face
32.1972-73 Season: Ideological Plugola
33.1973-74 Season: The New Centurions
34.1974-75 Season: Affirmative Access
35.1975-76 Season: Freddie of Not?
36.1976-77 Season: The Big Event
37.1977-78 Season: T & A TV
38.1978-79 Season: Born Again Broadcasting
39.1979-80 Season: Gleam in the Eye
40.1980-81 Season: The Strike
41.TRANSITION 1927-81: Stop and Start It All Again
42.1981-82 Season: Freddie’s Blues
43.1982-83 Season: Send in the “A” Team
44.1983-84 Season: After M*A*S*H
45.1984-85 Season: We Are the World
46.1985-86 Season: Isn’t That Amazing?
47.19986-87 Season: Finally a Fourth
48.1987-88 Season: The Boomer Years
49.1988-89 Season: The Goddess
50.1989-90 Season: Mmmm…Doughnuts
51.1990-91 Season: The Live Storm
52.1991-92 Season: The Sax Man
53.1992-93 Season: Nothing Much
54.1993-94 Season: The Truth That’s Out There
55.1994-95 Season: In the Blink of an Eye
56.1995-96 Season: Ready for Reform
57.1996-97 Season: All Around the Dial
58.1997-98 Season: Devil with the Blue Dress On
59.1998-99 Season: Sex and Violence
60.1999-2000 Season: Not the Final Answer
61.2000-01 Season: Reality Is Bad Enough
62.2001-02 Season: Ground Zero
63.2002-03 Season: Go Pound Sand
64.2003-04 Season: Game Change
65.2004-05 Season: ZigZag and JibJab
66.2005-06 Season: Here’s the Deal
67.2006-07 Season: What Else Is On?
68.2007-08 Season: Called Third Strike
69.2008-09 Season: Change is Now
70.2009-10 Season: The End of the World as We Know It
71.2010-11 Season: Bloodlines
72.2011-12 Season: Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later
73.2012-13 Season: Apocalypse How?
74.2013-14 Season: Keep Your Eye on the Ball
75.2014-15 Season: How to Get Away with Everything
76.TRANSITION 2.0 Streaming: On Demand
77.2015-16 Season: Peak TV
78.2016-17 Season: This Is Us?
79.2017-18 Season: Don’t Stand So Close to Me
80.2018-19 Season: Content is King
81.2019-20 Season: From Small Things, Big Things One Day Come
82.2020-21 Season: Back to “Normal”?
83.2021-22 Season: The Same Thing, Only Different
84.2022-23 Season: Peak TV Peaks
85.2023-24 Season: The Double Strikes
Recap and Conclusion: On Beyond Zebra
About the Author
Harry Castleman practices law in Boston and has written seven other popular culture books with Podrazik. He has worked as a media producer and consultant for a number of political organizations and campaigns. He has also been a guest lecturer on TV history at Boston University’s College of Communication.
Walter J. Podrazik is a communications and logistics consultant. He also serves as television curator at the Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago and is regularly quoted in media articles. As an adjunct lecturer at the University of Illinois at Chicago, he teaches television history and analyzes the role of media in politics.
December 2024