"This ambitious, richly illustrated volume is both a celebration of an ethnic experience and a window through which to view Arab American literature still in its infancy. Although the brief introduction could have offered more historic and cultural background to an American audience largely ill informed about the Arab American community, this wonderful collection is recommended for all literature collections."—Library Journal
"Featuring familiar names as well as many new and exciting ones, Post Gibran, an anthology to be cherished, marks the beginning of an era when Arab American writing will stand on its own, alongside other established American literatures. . . . These powerful works open up a new understanding of lives lived on the hyphen in postmodern America."—miriam cooke, author of War's Other Voices: Women Writers on the Lebanese Civil War
Through poetry, fiction, essays, and drama, both seasoned and upcoming writers confront issues not previously addressed in Arab American writing. These unique cultural endeavors reveal the multileveled textures of the exiles of new Arab writing.
About the Author
Khaled Mattawa, a 2014 MacArthur fellow, is associate professor Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His work has won two Pushcart Prizes, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and awards from the Academy of American Poets, PEN, and NEA.
Munir Akash is a founding editor of Jusoor: The Arab American Journal of Cultural Exchange and coeditor of The Adam of Two Edens.