Established in 1977, the Middle East Contemporary Survey is designed to be a current reference for scholars, researchers and analysts, policymakers, students, and journalists. Each volume examines in detail the rapidly changing Middle Eastern scene in all its complexity. Subjects include inter-Arab relations, Islamic affairs, economic developments, and the relations between major world powers and the Middle East. Country-by-country surveys of seventeen Arab states and the Palestinian Authority, Iran, Israel, and Turkey are also included.
Regional aspects of foreign policies and internal development, which have wider implications on inter-Arab relations and Islamic affairs, are amply covered, with special emphasis on elucidating the inner dynamics of each country’s politics and society.
About the Author
Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, senior research fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center, specializes in modem and contemporary Middle East history, inter-Arab relations, and the modem Maghrib.
May 2003