Recent coverage and events
Talar Chahinian wins the Society for Armenian Studies Outstanding Book Award
Book launch for War and Imagination: Perspectives from the Hudson Review at the New York Society Library on October 15.

Phil Arnold discusses his book “The Urgency of Indigenous Values” with John Grim, co-founder and co-director of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, on Spotlights.
Excerpt of The House of Edrisis Volume 1 on Asymptote Blog
Recent Reviews

“Heibach’s astute and meticulous analysis of regime-opposition relations during the last two decades of Salih’s rule offers an especially interesting case to scholars studying cooperation and the complexities of opposition politics within autocratic settings.”
Teach Me How to Whisper reviewed in World Literature Today
“Teach Me How to Whisper’s arrangement is thematic rather than chronological. In its cross-section of orientations, contrasting styles support one another and speak to the reader differently—sometimes straightforwardly, sometimes in “hermetic metaphors” whose logic proves incisive upon careful reading. Each of Marinaj’s intersecting modes is compelling, whether revitalizing well-worn “horses” or riding transcendence amid shifts of modernity. Here, all poetics move the heart and mind.”

We Never Swim in the Same River Twice reviewed in The Modern Novel
“While fairly depressing about both Tunisia and the world – there is a lot of criticism of the world’s dictators, for example – this is a superb book, showing in great detail how Tunisia and other countries are falling apart, primarily because of dictators and fanaticism.”
Being There, Being Here reviewed in Contemporary Levant
“Maurice Ebileeni’s Being There Being Here is in many ways a landmark volume for the field of Palestinian Literature.”
Middle East Eye reviews Salt Journals
The House of Edrisis Volume One reviewed in The Modern Novel