Syracuse University Press home website

Celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day

For Indigenous Peoples Day, we’re celebrating the work of poet and member of Haudenosaunee tribe Eric Gansworth, whose book, A Half-Life of Cardi-Pulmonary Function charts the tensions of those struggling against the norms of the dominant culture with humor, heart and image-laden lines. Below are excerpts from A Half-Life of Cardi-Pulmonary Function, including some of the art pieces from the book. The Way Howdy Reveals In this poem you would thinkHowdy was a greeting, likeSomething from those old westernsWhere the Indians are defeatedAgain and again, no matterHow many of them there areAnd how many arrows they have but you would…

Excerpt: Mad Scholars

The following is an excerpt from Mad Scholars: Reclaiming and Reimagining the Neurodiverse Academy, edited by Melanie Jones and Shayda Kafai and published by Syracuse University Press, Copyright 2024 by Syracuse University Press. The excerpt is drawn from the introduction, written by the editors. This collection explores how our Mad selfhood is understood, articulated, and engaged through our capacity as scholars. It wonders where we might go if we embraced that overlap instead of shunning it: if we probed its depths and exploded its boundaries.” From the start, Mad Scholars has emerged from a place of hopeful, desperate imagining. What…

Halloween Reads from SUP

Happy Halloween, readers! Alongside our many celebrated series, SUP has published a number of books fitting the holiday, such as tracing the history of werewolf legends, examining the minds of killers and a psychiatrist with an unhealthy appetite, and deeply analyzing one of the most famous and iconic vampires of all time. That being said, this year, we wanted to know what really scares the SUP staff and put together a list of some of our recommended literary horror tales. Dead Eleven by Jimmy Juliano “Creepy” is the main descriptor for this one. When the protagonist visits a tiny island…

Holiday Planning with ‘The Sensible Cook’

As Thanksgiving and winter holidays approach, many people return to classic and treasured family recipes, returning to traditional favorite foods. At Syracuse University Press, we wanted to see what books in our library may help plan a traditional Thanksgiving. With that in mind, we turn to The Sensible Cook: Dutch Foodways in the Old and the New World. Originally published in Dutch in 1667, the SUP edition was republished in 1998 with a new translation and commentary by Peter G. Rose, The Sensible Cook allows a look back at middle class Dutch life in the 17th Century, both in the…

Holiday Sales picks for everyone on your list!

Happy Holidays, readers! Until December 15, all of our books are 40% off in our annual Holiday Sale. That’s hundreds of titles across dozens of our series. For those less sure of what they’re looking for, we can offer some suitable gifting advice for the season. The Decoration of Houses Edith Wharton’s The Decoration of Houses, co-written with the architect Ogden Codman Jr., brought transatlantic fame to a writer best known as a chronicler of Gilded Age New York. In their decorating guidebook, Wharton and Codman, who collaborated on the design of the author’s Massachusetts home, The Mount, advocated for…